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Tim Kovacs

Assistant Director of Recruiting

Tim Kovacs joined the Old Dominion Athletic Foundation in March, 2023 as a major gifts officer.

He spent the previous 10 seasons in various roles with the ODU Football team.

A native of Albany, N.Y., Kovacs comes to ODU from UAB, where his responsibilities included, creating and maintaining the recruiting board, handling transcript evaluations, creating recruiting maps for each individual coach and hosting recruits during on-campus visits.

Kovacs previously worked at Old Dominion as an offensive quality control assistant.

At ODU, Kovacs was responsible for film breakdown, while creating and maintaining recruiting databases for the coaching staff. From 2007-2009, Kovacs worked as a recruiting student assistant at Old Dominion, where he helped input recruiting data and created highlights for potential recruits.

Kovacs graduated in 2011 with a degree in sports management.