All Sports Schedule

ODU/BYO Radial Regatta Results - 08/13/08

Sept. 13, 2008




Sept 13-14,2008

3:33 PM 9-13-08

REGATTA HIGHLIGHTS: Light breeze out of the north in the morning, dying throughout the day.Three races were completed in the morning, No racing took place in the afternoon.No protests filed.

A division = 3 Races TOT 1. Stephanie Roble 6 44 ODU 2. Katrina Williams 8 37 ODU 3. Morgan Wilson 9 49 ODU 4. Tina Pryne 13 171221 Navy 5. Mimi Roller 17 184542 SMC 6. Sara Morgan Watters 18 168525 SMC 7. Keish Pearson 24 11 SMC 8. Sara Burke 24 175582 Navy 9. Trisha Kutleiewicz 25 175592 Navy10. Mary Hesler 27 2 Navy11. Arianna Baker 30 42 ODU12. Mildred Conray 33 33 WAC

1 2 3 1Stephanie Roble 2 1 3

3 6

2Katrina Williams 5 2 1

7 8

3Morgan Wilson 1 6 2

7 9

4Tina Pryne 3 5 5

8 13

5Mimi Roller 8 3 6

11 17

6Sara Morgan Watters 6 4 8

10 18

7Keish Pearson 7 7 10

14 24

8Sara Burke 9 11 4

20 24

9Trisha Kutleiewicz 4 10 11

14 25

10Mary Hesler 11 9 7

20 27

11Arianna Baker 10 8 12

18 30

12Mildred Conray 12 12 9

24 33