2021-22: Crew member for ODU with a 5-7 record with three wins over Fordham and a single win apiece over George Washington and Hobart and William at the ODU Spring Regatta … At the Graham Hall Team Race, he was a crew member that helped ODU to finish 14th with wins over King’s Point and New York Maritime … In the Szambecki Team Race, he was a crew member that helped ODU to place eighth with a 4-8 record, defeating Yale twice, Georgetown, and Jacksonville … In New Orleans at the Garner Tullis Team Race, he was a crew member that contributed towards The Monarchs fourth place finish with three wins over South Florida, two against Miami, and one from Tulane.
PERSONAL: Son of Oliver and Julia Tutt ... Three sisters, Abigail, Charlotte and Olivia ... Sister, Abigail, is a former member of the ODU sailing team ... Majoring in mechanical engineering.