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Jewell Takes Second Place In Great Chesapeake Bay 4.4 Mile Open Water Challenge


NORFOLK, Va. – Old Dominion University swimmer Brynn Jewell participated in the Great Chesapeake Bay 4.4 Mile Open Water Swim on Sunday, June 11. 

Jewell took second place in the non-wet suit swim in the female division. She finished the 4.4 miles in two hours and four minutes.  

The Great Chesapeake Bay Swim (GCBS) is one of America's premier open water swim challenges. The annual event is scheduled for the second Sunday of June and consists of a 4.4-mile swim across Maryland's Chesapeake Bay. The race starts from the shores of Sandy Point State Park, which is about 5 miles northeast of Annapolis. The course extends eastward between the two spans of the William Preston Lane, Jr., Memorial Bridge (U.S. Highway 50) and finishes at a small sandy beach on Kent Island immediately south of the Bridge eastern-shore causeway adjacent to Libbey's Coastal Kitchen Restaurant. 

Two weeks prior Jewell and swimming teammate Kristina Zachary participated in the OV's 1st Open Water Swim on June 3. Jewell took first place in the two-mile swim and Zachary finished first in the one-mile swim.  


*Jewell and Zachary*

A senior from Wilmington, North Carolina, Jewell has been doing open water races since a young age with her family.