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Get to Know: Meghan Cozens


Sept. 19, 2012 recently caught up with ODU junior Meghan Cozens for a question and answer session.

This will be a weekly piece on as well as on facebook at ODU Women's Soccer. Check us out on facebook and let us know who to interview next and ideas for questions.

Major? International Studies with a minor in Spanish.

Favorite restaurant? Outback Steakhouse.

Favorite food? Steak and Pasta.

Why #4? I wore number four when I was little and I wanted to go back to it.

What's on your iPod? I listen to everything. Since I Moved hear I listen to country a lot more and all the popular stuff on the radio.

Favorite sport to watch other than soccer? Hockey

Best gift you've ever received? I came home from a trip and my mom got me a puppy. It was a black lab we named Roxy.

Favorite class? I took a photography class in high school I enjoyed.

Worst class? Anatomy

Favorite movie? I like Disney movies. Also like the first Pirates of the Carribbean.

Favorite thing to do in Hampton Roads area? Go to the beach

If you could have dinner with two people (dead or alive), who would it be? My grandpa. I never met him and from what I heard he's a cool person. And Mia Hamm because she's a role model.