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Get to Know: Nikki Clarke


Aug. 27, 2012 recently caught up with ODU junior Nikki Clarke for question and answer session.

This will be a weekly piece on as well as on facebook at ODU Women's Soccer. Check us out on facebook and let us know who to interview next and ideas for questions.

Major: "Criminal Justice"

Hometown: "Annandale, Virginia"

Siblings: "One 17-year-old brother"

Favorite Restaurant: "Silverado"

Favorite thing to get there: "Chicken Tenders"

Favorite Store: "J. Crew, especially the sale racks."

Why #11: "#21 was taken and #11 was my basketball number."

What other sports did you play growing up: "I played basketball, golf, cross country, and lacrosse."

Favorite Website: "Pinterest"

What's on your iPod? "I recently downloaded Now 14."

Favorite sport to watch? "NBA Basketball"

Favorite NBA team? "Boston Celtics"

If you could have dinner with two people in history who would they be: "Abraham Lincoln and Marilyn Monroe"

Greatest soccer memory: "In high school, I scored off a corner kick to win the game."

Worst Injury: "I broke my leg playing soccer in 8th grade."

Biggest Inspiration: "My grandparents"