All Sports Schedule

Men's Tennis Update with Albert Ochagavia

Dec. 9, 2011

This season for the Monarchs men's tennis squad, ODU junior Albert Ochagavia will be keeping a blog detailing what he and the rest of the Monarchs are up to.

Last week we had some team bonding activities. The season was over and it was the right time for the team to spend time together. We played some soccer and we went go carting, where Sander (assistant coach Sander Koning) had the fastest car and that is why he got the best time.

After four months of hard work we can say that we are almost done for this semester. We have been working hard and we have taken care of the details. Now it is time to finish strong in school. The finals are almost here and we have to study a lot. After the finals all the players are going back home where we will recharge our batteries and come back ready for the season.

One, two, three... Monarchs!