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Inside the Lines with Albert Ochagavia

Oct. 7, 2011

This season Old Dominion junior Albert Ochagavia will give us behind the scenes insight as to what goes on during the week and leading up to an event. Below is the second installment.

Early Saturday practice, the team had captain's practice at 7:30 a.m. because we had our first community service at 11 a.m. and we did not want to miss practice.

We woke up early and we started playing some matches. When we finished with the matches we got ready to go to the Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters. Where for one hour we had the pleasure of being at the hospital's playground. The whole team had a great time playing with every one of the children.

Fahoum showed his dancing skills again while Wesley was trying to figure out how to play the drums and the guitar for the Rock Band video game.

Some other children showed us their artistic skills and they drew some tennis rackets and ODU tennis logos that we took with us and we will hang them up in our locker room.Kris and Alfredo helped all these talented artists and I was playing some games with a young girl that had an Ipad.

That was a great experience and we are looking forward to going there again and play with them because we think that they really liked having us.

This past weekend two players of the ODU Men's tennis team got honored during the ODU football game for outstanding academic performance.

Together with athletes from other teams, Kris and me got presented with the Deans list award after the third quarter of the game. The whole team was present to show their support for us. We are trying to represent our team on and off the court so the guys really appreciated our effort. Next semester we are aiming to get everyone on the list.