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Inside the Lines with Albert Ochagavia

Inside the Lines with Albert OchagaviaInside the Lines with Albert Ochagavia

Sept. 30, 2011

This season Old Dominion junior Albert Ochagavia will give us behind the scenes insight as to what goes on during the week and leading up to an event. Below is the second installment.

We just finished our third week of practice. Aljosa (Head coach Aljosa Piric) said these three weeks would be the hardest ones because we had to get used to the new intensity level and the early practices.

This past weekend both the men's and women's teams were at a fundraising event at the Virginia Beach Tennis and Country Club. This event was the scholarship tournament, where ODU tennis supporters played doubles matches with ODU tennis coaches and current Monarch tennis players.

The weather was not very helpful and we had to change our plans. We ended up playing at the ODU indoor tennis facilities instead of the tennis club at Virginia Beach.

However, it was a great tournament and we had a lot of fun. Over 200 people showed their support to ODU tennis and we appreciated it a lot.

We also want to thank Hall automotive sponsorship because without them this tournament would not have been possible and to Sugie Jarrett, who has helped with the tournament organization for more than 30 years.

It was a great weekend and we gave a lot of ODU t-shirts We hope to see these shirts again and again during the season at our matches. We need your support!One, two, three... Monarchs!!!