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Inside the Lines with Albert Ochagavia

Inside the Lines with Albert OchagaviaInside the Lines with Albert Ochagavia

Sept. 26, 2011

This season Old Dominion junior Albert Ochagavia will give us behind the scenes insight as to what goes on during the week and leading up to an event. The first installment Ochagavia and the Monarchs get ready for the first tournament of the fall at UNC Wilmington.

Friday, Sept. 16
No mercy, we are about to play our first tournament at UNCW and practices are already hard on our legs. However, we don't complain, the team is very pumped up! We want to get better, we want to play, we want to compete and see where we are.Saturday, Sept. 17
We are about to start playing and there is only one goal in our minds: FIGHT, FIGHT and FIGHT.The tournament is very long. The rain doesn't help. We play a lot of matches, our legs are in pain but none of these facts matter, we never check out.Sunday, Sept. 17
We are on our way back to Norfolk and we know we didn't finish as strong as we would have liked to, so we look forward to start practicing again and to try to fix these small details. Details that if we take care of them, the team is going to look great! Anyway, great job to all the guys. It was our first tournament and every teammate won some matches. Special mention to Carlos and Kris. Good way to lead the team!

"One, two, three. MONARCHS!!!"