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MONARCH Q&A: Angus Harper


March 28, 2011

In his spring preview, head coach Bobby Wilder mentioned that in the CAA play, teams typically need to have at least three running backs that can play. Among the running backs the Monarchs will be looking to this fall will be redshirt freshman Angus Harper.

Harper is ready to show Monarch nation his stuff after missing his first season with a knee injury suffered during the summer pre-season workouts. Impressing the coaches as a greyshirt last spring, Harper was ready to factor into the two deep following a senior season at Edison High School in Northern Virginia that saw him run for nearly 1,400 yards and score 19 touchdowns. Despite the injury, a year in the Monarch system will only add to his potential and he's ready to take the field.

Q: How did your injury happen last summer?
A: We don't know what happened. I was feeling good then one day in practice coach (Wilder) pulled me out and said your limping. Then after the x-rays, we found out it was a torn meniscus and I thought, 'here we go'.

Q: Tell us what rehab was like?
A: It was tough. I did different drills with the strength and conditioning coaches everyday. I don't remember all the drills, but I did things like riding the stationary bike to get my knee stronger.

Q: What was the toughest part?
A: Looking down on the field while the other running backs were practicing and having a good time and I felt like I was missing out. I was supposed to be out there.

Q: If you could give advice for those coming off the injury what would it be?
A: Everything happens for a reason. When the injury happened I thought I shouldn't have left high school early, but coach told me to see it as a blessing. Now I get all four years to play CAA football.

Q: What was last spring like for you transitioning from high school to a FCS program?
A: It was no joke. It was hard. You have to be ready. In high school if you have enough speed you can just blow past people. At this level everybody is fast and you have to bring it every play. Everyone competes and there are no plays off.

Q: Coach Wilder was really impressed by winter workouts. Talk about how you improved during that time period.
A: Everybody really competed, not in a bad way. It made everybody better. I got faster, stronger, and more flexible.

Q: What are your feelings as you prepare for spring practice this time around?
A: I'm always excited to play. It's an honor to play Division I football because not everyone gets a chance. So I'm thrilled.

Q: What are your goals this spring?
A: I want to become a better blocker. I'm a running back so the running will take care of itself. Blocking is something I want to work hard to get better at.

Q: What is your favorite Coach Wilder saying?
A: PMA (Positive Mental Attitude). He suggested that I make my voice mail - 'PMA all day' - and I said 'OK', and that's what's up there now.

Q: Who is your favorite NFL team?
A: Washington Redskins

Q: Who is your favorite NFL player and why?
A: Adrian Peterson. I love watching the power he runs with and that's how I want to run. I watch some of his highlights before games and it gets me pumped.

Q: What is the past important lesson you've learned being a Monarch?
A: Trust. I can trust everyone on the team; we have a brotherhood here. Here we have unity.

Q: What is your major? What do you plan on doing after you graduate?
A:. Everyone wants to continue to play football and that is my first goal. If I can't do that I want to double major in criminology and something else so I can be a cop or lawyer.