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MONARCH Q&A: Top Ranked Women's Sailing Team Skipper Stephanie Roble


Oct. 1, 2009

Old Dominion University sailor Stephanie Roble recently chatted with for this week's Q&A. The junior skipper gives insight to her sailing success on the water and the team's recent elevation to the top team in the nation. Roble has been key in turning the women's team into the number one team in the nation according to Sailing World.

First of all, what about sailing do you like the most?
In sailing, you use a lot of different tactics and you have to think ahead. It's a sport that involves a lot of mental toughness as well as physical.

You have qualified for the national championship in both singlehanded and doublehanded events. What are the biggest differences between singlehanded and doublehanded sailing?
There is more pressure in singlehanded because you are sailing alone. At the same time, it's also more boring because there is no one on the boat to talk to about strategy or to go over details with.

How do you prepare for big races like national qualifiers?
I tune into what the coaches are telling me in the weeks before. I work on technique at practice and making sure everything is tightened up before I go out on the water.

The team is ranked number one in the country right now and has a rich tradition of success in the past. How has ODU's winning tradition set the bar for you and the rest of the team?
We have high expectations of ourselves and work hard so we can continue to excel. Our alumni group is really supportive as well.

How much does weather effect the way you race?
The weather is a huge factor in racing. We have races in late February going into March so a lot of it has to do with your inner mentality and not letting the weather get to you.

You are from Wisconsin and have sailed in many different bodies of water throughout your career. What has been your favorite so far?
Lake Garda in Northern Italy

What does a sailor eat in order to prepare for races?
(Laughing) ... Since our days are so long, we really don't have that strict of a diet, like say a soccer player might. But if it's going to be windy out on the water we try to eat a lot of carbs to store up energy and heat.

Rapid Fire:
Birthplace: Wisconsin
High School Mascot: The Hilltoppers
Favorite food: Mac-n-cheese
Favorite Disney Princess: Cinderella
Favorite type of ice cream: Strawberry frozen yogurt - I'm allergic to dairy!
Favorite season: Summer
Favorite TV show: Weeds
And as a kid it was: Recess
What is on your iPod right now: Lots of rap and hip hop...and some Dave Matthews Band
If you weren't sailing, what sport would you be playing: I used to run in high school, so probably cross country
Who is your funniest teammate: There are a lot of funny people, but I'll say the Shockey twins.