All Sports Schedule

ICSA Singlehanded Championships Handcuffed By Lack of Wind on Day One

Nov. 2, 2007

SHILSHOLE, Wash. -- The ICSA Women's Singlehanded Championships were held captive Friday by Mother Nature as she refused to fill in with substantial wind in Seattle, Washington on Friday. Ironically, in Norfolk, the area was under wind alerts throughout the day. The Lady Monarchs and the rest of the field were unable to get even one race in on the first day and will return to the water on Saturday, hoping for better luck.

The sailors were out on the water for much of the day, waiting for the wind to fill in, but it never came. Freshmen Stephanie Roble and Morgan Wilson, as well as sophomore Katrina Williams were on the water representing Old Dominion. They will return to the water on Saturday, and again on Sunday as the championship continues.

"Other sports have rain delays, we have no-wind days," said ICSA President and ODU head coach Mitch Brindley. "The forecast looks better for tomorrow and we're going to get out their and race."

The loss of the first day will put pressure on the race committee to get as many races in as possible on Saturday. With a possible 19 total races, the loss of a day usually results in a shortened championship. Last season, the wind did not fill in on the final day and the championship was completed with just 14 races finished.