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ODU Sailing Finishes 3rd at MAISA Sloops Championship


Oct. 24, 2004

ANNAPOLIS, MD  -The Old Dominion sailing team finished 3rd at the MAISA Sloops Championship, with 34 points.  ODU lost a tiebreak with Navy.  The Midshipmen and King's Point, the winning team, qualified for the ICSA Sloops Championship, held Nov. 19-21 in Irvine, CA.  Sailing for the Monarchs were Charles Higgins (Arlington, TX), Tom Lewin (Williamsville, NY), David Tunnicliffe (Perrysburg, OH) and Wade Schon (Millington, NJ).

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MAISA Sloops Championship Final Results:

1.  USMMA                          32

2.  Navy                                 34

3.  Old Dominion                  34

4.  Hobart/Wm Smith           42

5.  St. Mary's                        49

6.  Georgetown                     50

7.  NY Maritime                     54

8.  Cornell                              62

9.  Washington Coll.           67

10. Loyola                              71