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Monarchs Reflect on London Tour


Oct. 14, 2003

The Monarchs enjoyed a very successful four-game tour to London, Englandduring their fall break. Below are some thoughts from team members aboutthe experience.

Drew Williamson (Freshman guard from Burlington, NC.)"At first, I didn't know what to expect, but after I got there I realizedthere are a lot of similarities. I guess the biggest differences are theclothes, driving on the left hand side of the road and having pork and beansfor breakfast. There is a very busy nightlife in London.My favorite part of the tour was going over the tower bridge."

ODU TRAINER HELPS TRAVELERWhile everyone was on their way to the gate at Gatwick Airport, athletictrainer Scott Johnson (MS, Ed, ATC) stopped to help a traveler in trouble."He had a seizure," said Johnson. "I supported his head, opened theairways so he could breath easier." Johnson stayed with him until medicalhelp arrived. Scott has been the assistant athletic trainer since 1988.

John Morris sophomore guard from Camp Hill, PA.)"This was my second trip to London. I came over during my senior year inhigh school. I didn't really appreciate the trip the first time.There is so much history, and culture in England, that you can'tget it all done in a day. The castles, the bridges, the traditions, yourealize just how young we are as a nation."

Alex Loughton sophomore center from Perth, Australia."I have been to England a number of times. Obviously Australia and Englandare very similar, such as driving on the same side of the road, but we have ourdifferences as well. In the United Stateseveryone follows football along with basketball and baseball. In England,local pubs are packed to watch soccer and rugby. In Australia, AustralianRules Football is king."

Kiah Thomas Junior guard from Norfolk, VA." It can be quite a culture shock when you have never traveled away fromthe United States before. It really takes some getting use to, especiallywith the driving on the other side of the road. Crossing the street and lookingright when you are use to looking left for oncoming traffic. It was kind ofscary, but a big time learning experience."

Ed Isaac Sophomore team manager from Killingly, CT."It is always good to learn about other cultures when you get the chance.It can be a bit overwhelming, exchanging money, seeing the steering wheelon the righthand side of the car. The is some much to their culture, the grandarchitecture, and history. We as Americans sometime have tunnel vision. It isinteresting to see how everyone gather around the pubs to follow soccer and rugby,while we were all trying to find out what the NFL, college football andbaseball playoff scores were. Now I realize what many international students gothrough here in the States."

John Waller Senior co-captain, Richmond, VA."My experience in London was quite good...This was my first time to an overseas country, so that in itself was exciting...It was fun being a foreigner for once...I got a chance to see some of the most well-known landmarks in history...The Tower Bridge, Big Ben, and the famous Buchingham Palace....After seeing all these landmarks on TV and then actually getting to see them in person was a great experience...I have a lot of good memories to look back on in the future"

Compiled by Carol Hudson, Jr.Sports Information Dir.