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Monarch Cagers Read Books to Local Elementary Schools Wednesday

Monarch Cagers Read Books to Local Elementary Schools WednesdayMonarch Cagers Read Books to Local Elementary Schools Wednesday

Monarch Cagers Read Books to Local Elementary Schools Wednesday

Oct. 9, 2007

The Old Dominion University men's and women's basketball teams will visitfive area elementary schools, sharing their favorite children's book withstudents, to kick off the second annual Monarch Reading Program withNorfolk and Portsmouth PublicElementary Schools.

ODU student athletes will visit the following schools:

10 am Richard Bowling Elementary (Abdi Lidonde)      Chesterfield Academy (Brian Henderson and Jen Nuzzo      Brighton Elementary (Megan Pym and TJ Jordan)

10:30 am Coleman Place Elementary (Kent Bazemore) Lindenwood Elementary (Etiole Imama)

In partnership with Norfolk and Portsmouth Public Schools, 30,000official bookmarks will be distributed to students in each publicelementary school in the Norfolk and Portsmouth schools. Every childwho reads four or more books during the six-week program will receivea free ticket to a Monarch or Lady Monarch home basketball game, wherethey will be recognized at halftime.