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Juliet McGee Schweiter Accepts Central Florida Position

Juliet McGee Schweiter Accepts Central Florida PositionJuliet McGee Schweiter Accepts Central Florida Position

Juliet McGee Schweiter Accepts Central Florida Position

June 13, 2005

NORFOLK, VA--Juliet McGee Schweiter has resigned her position asan assistant women's basketball coach at Old Dominion University to accepta similar position at the University of Central Florida, as announced today byLady Monarch head coach Wendy Larry.

"These past six years at Old Dominion have been awesome," saidSchweiter. "We have created so many memories that I will cherish.Old Dominion is a special place and it will always have a piece of my heart."

Schweiter joined the ODU staff in 1999 after two, two-year assistantcoaching stints at American University and Yale. She is a graduate ofBucknell University where she earned All-Patriot League honors.

A native of Rhode Island, Schweiter and her husband Herb, a Major in the United States Marine Corps, welcomed their first child, Gavin Richard, on October 15, 2004.

"We want to thank Juliet for her hard work on the Lady Monarchstaff for the past six years and wish her the best of luck in her new position,"says Larry.

A national search for her replacement will begin immediately.