All Sports Schedule

Second Round Pre-Game Quotes

March 23, 2003

2003 NCAA Second Round
Ted Constant Convocation Center - Norfolk, Virginia
Monday, March 24, 2003

Boston College Head Coach Cathy Inglese:

"Playing at a neutral site will be nice. We definitely play well on theroad. We (Boston College & Vanderbilt) are both highly ranked and talentedteams."

On Vanderbilt:
"They are very poised. Their point guard does a great job on the floor.They have a super inside-out game with great perimeter shooters, but thekey is that we have to play as a team. We have seen so many differentlevels of play and we have been trying to compare their team to otherteams, but that is what makes it exciting. We don't know how it is goingto be. With their strength and ability, it will definitely be an excitinggame out there tomorrow."

Becky Gottstein, Senior Forward Boston College:
"Obviously we made our goals in the beginning of the year and the sweetsixteen was one of them. We have been taking the appropriate steps to makethat happen."

On Vanderbilt:
"They are a great team, they have a great inside-out game and obviously agreat team with a great coach. Like Chantelle (Anderson) I never have twobad games in a row. I definitely did not do everything that I know I amcapable of doing. I just can't wait to get in there and play tomorrow. Ithink we are all excited."

On Old Dominion:
"Old Dominion is a better team than the twelve seed, they are definitelybetter. Now it is going to be two evenly matched teams going at it."

Amber Jacobs, Junior Guard, Boston College:

"We (Becky Gottstein & Amber Jacobs) are both fifth year seniors. Beingable to make it to the next level and taking our team there has been ourgoal since the beginning. We all have faith that we can do it and we arejust ready to go out and do it. The nervousness is definitely there, butwe are feeling very confident because we beat a team on their home court."

Brianne Stepherson, Senior Guard, Boston College:

"They (Becky Gottstein & Amber Jacobs) have the expectations of what theywant. They have been great leaders and we have just been trying to followthem. We look forward to tomorrow."

Vanderbilt Head Coach, Melanie Balcomb:

On Boston College vs Old Dominion:
"I think they (Boston) are very well balanced and some of the keys arethere. They have good shooters around the perimeter. They have a goodpenetrating point guard with very smart working post players. It was ahard fought one last night. Even at the start of the game both teams werehot they seemed to hit every shot. Old Dominion was very up for the game.It was just a very hard fought game with loud fans and a great atmosphere."

"I was expecting for there to be some home court upsets. I thought thehome court advantage would help and I thought that both teams had an equalchance to win so we studied them both equally."

On their first round game:
"I think Liberty's a very good defending team. They lead the league infield goal defense. We were over-trying in a lot of ways, especially onour offense. We need to relax more and be ourselves to get the monkey offof our back. I think we will be much looser playing Boston College."

Chantelle Anderson Senior Center, Vanderbilt:

"The first game you kind of have butterflies but I don't think it gets anyeasier because the competition gets harder. I know I'm not going to havetwo bad games in a row."

Ashley McElhiney Senior Guard, Vanderbilt:

"They (Liberty) are huge. I think we rushed a lot. We are not one-on-oneplayers. We need to let the game come to us."

Jenni Benningfield, Sophomore Guard, Vanderbilt:

"We knew going into the game that they are the type of team that makes theother team play ugly. We knew that was going to happen. We don't know ifthe fans or people are watching what we have been working on. It is justtwo different points of view, lots of times people don't notice the littlethings we work on and it is those little things that help us win."