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Know Your Swimming Monarchs: What is Your Major and Why

Sitton_Byrne_Meadows_SigggggSitton_Byrne_Meadows_Siggggg recently polled members of the ODU swim team and asked them a variety of questions. Today we asked their major and why. Madison Sitton, Miranda Byrne, Grant Meadows and Elin Kata Sigurgeirsdottir answer this week's question.
What is your major and why?

Madison Sitton
I chose to major in exercise science because I have always been fascinated with how the body works, and I wanted a career where I could help people. 
Miranda Byrne
My major is Information Systems and Technology because electronics are always evolving and companies need people to handle their databases and internal processes to be profitable. 
Grant Meadows
My major is Modeling and Simulation Engineering.  I chose this because it runs along all of my interest and I think it will challenge me as well.  I came to school as a mechanical engineering major but changed to MSIM because after reading about it, I became very interested in its concepts and it drew me in.
Elin Kata Sigurgeirsdottir
My major is Biomedical Science and I chose that because I am very interested in how the body works and how we can fix it when something is wrong. I have always been fascinated by the work that doctors do and would love to become one myself.