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Minium: ODU Has Done Away with Football Season Ticket Deadlines to give Fans More Flexibility


By Harry Minium

Never in my nearly seven decades on earth have I seen anything wreak such havoc on the United States as the COVID-19 pandemic.

It has claimed more than 70,000 American lives and that number will surely rise to more than 100,000 – nearly enough to fill S.B. Ballad Stadium five times.

Most Americans have been forced to essentially shelter in place in their homes. They may go to the grocery store, or if they live in Hampton Roads, take a stroll on the beach. But for the most part, they are in their homes working on their phones and computers and/or taking care of their kids.

And they are the lucky ones.

Millions more have lost loved ones, jobs or businesses. The future is uncertain and the stress and economic damage this pandemic have caused will be with us for years.

The athletics department at Old Dominion University is aware that many thousands of Monarch fans are among those who are suffering. The senior leadership team meets twice weekly via Zoom largely to discuss how we can best meet the fast-changing needs of our fans.

We've been brainstorming about how to make it easier for you continue to watch Monarch football given the economic slowdown and uncertainty. And we know the last thing you need is a deadline bearing down on you.

That's why ODU athletic director Wood Selig recently announced that most deadlines to renew football season tickets have been cast aside.

For now, there are no deadlines for you to renew season tickets, unless you are in premium seating, such as a luxury suite or the Priority Automotive Club.

"We value our season ticket holders, particularly those who stepped up and purchased season tickets in 2019 for the first year in the new Kornblau Field at S.B. Ballard Stadium," Dr. Selig said.

"We are still operating with the expectation that our team will open the home season on Friday, September 4 against Wake Forest. However, we understand there is national discussion about the timing of the college football season which has caused uncertainty among some of our fans.

"Therefore, we are extending the process for our loyal fans until we have clarity on the start of the season."

As we learn more about the virus, colleges and universities have begun to announce they will resume classes in the fall. And while the football season may not begin on Sept. 4, we're reasonably sure it will be played in 2020.

That's why the senior leadership team, in concert with Spectra, which runs S.B. Ballard Stadium and Chartway Arena, have been discussing since early March how to make sure the stadium will be a safe place to watch football. We'll have hand sanitation stations, will do frequent cleaning before, after and during games and are considering other measures to ensure your safety.

ODU's leadership team, which includes senior leaders from across campus, has been meeting daily to ensure that when students return, we have policies and plans in place that ensure they will be safe..

Last season was our first at Kornblau Field at S.B. Ballard Stadium and some fans have expressed their desire to move seats to different locations. I'm in the same boat. The sooner you renew, the better seats that will be available for you to choose from.

And you don't risk a dime by doing so. If the season isn't played, we will refund everything you spent on tickets, or you can put that money toward purchasing season ticket in 2021. It's your money and your choice.

We've made other changes, too.

We've reduced prices from $200 per ticket to $150 in more than 2,500 sideline seats. They're good seats and don't require a seat membership.

We will soon be announcing price levels for our Family Plan seating. We haven't made the Family Plans a priority in recent years, but after hearing so much feedback from fans about how much you want a more family friendly atmosphere, will make them a focus of our season ticket packages.

If you can't pay for your tickets up front, no worries. We have payment plans for both season tickets and donations to the Old Dominion Athletic Foundation.

If you confirm your seats in May, you can put down 20 percent and then have four payments over the summer to pay for the rest. For two $150 season tickets, that's $60 per month.

Some of you likely have less money to spend than you once did. Call us and we can work with you. We have lower-priced options available.

If you're pondering whether your tickets are worthwhile, keep in mind that ODU has its best home schedule ever. ACC schools Virginia and Wake Forest come to Norfolk, as do Hampton, UAB, Florida International, Marshall and Middle Tennessee.

We're not raising season ticket prices, even though we play seven home games, one more than usual.

We also have a new, aggressive coaching staff, headed by former Penn State offensive coordinator Ricky Rahne. Expect the offense to be wide open and for the defense to be much more aggressive.

If you're a season ticket holder and have not renewed, you'll be hearing from us soon. The athletic staff, including Rahne and some of his coaches, will be calling you. I'll be calling 70 ticket holders and those who hear from us won't feel any pressure.

We want to hear what you're going through, answer any questions that we can and if you're on the fence about season tickets, do what we can do to help.

I've considered ODU an extended family for most of my life. Even before graduating in 1977, I've had friends associated with ODU.. I always knew that if I walked into an ODU game I would see dear friends.

Never fails. I always see someone I haven't seen in years. Don't you have the same experience?

ODU is your school and mine. You could taste and touch the camaraderie in 2018 when ODU's football team upset Virginia Tech, in 2019 when the basketball team triumphed over Western Kentucky for the third time in a row and 2020 when the women's basketball team captured a signature, overtime victory over Rice.

It will be another goose-bump-popping evening when Rahne and his staff take on Wake Forest on a Friday night with a TV audience looking on.

By then, you'll have cabin fever, if you don't have it already, after being sequestered in your home for so many months.You'll be ready to get out of the house and have some fun.

Come have some fun with us. We promise you a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience. 

For ticket information, visit or call (757) 683-4444.

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