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Musitelli: “I Am Coming Back to ODU for My ‘Last Dance’ as a Monarch”

VOLQVBVLTGKKDOH_20180512205655VOLQVBVLTGKKDOH_20180512205655 is working on a variety of ways to continue to give Monarch Nation informative and creative content throughout this pandemic. recently had the opportunity to talk to Francois Musitelli, a senior on the men's tennis team from Dijon, France.
Q: Originally from France, what was so appetizing about playing collegiate tennis in the United States?
FM: "Well, in France we do not have this opportunity of being a student-athlete after high school. Either you study, or you decide to turn professional in your sport and dedicate all of your time to it. At seventeen years old, once I graduated from high school, I was not willing to focus only on school or only on tennis. Going to college in America was a great way to pursue my tennis career while working towards getting a great education. I was also excited with the idea of discovering a new country, a new culture, new people and most importantly, improving my English. I knew from the start of this experience, that it would bring me a lot of positives, not only as a player or a student, but as a person as well."
Q: You were selected to represent France at the 2019 Master U BNP Paribas. What did this mean to you?
FM: "Being selected to represent France at the Master U BNP Paribas was definitely a great experience. I had the chance to represent my country in a really special event and I will remember it forever. As a player, you practice on a daily basis to play in this kind of event. When I heard that I was selected, I was really delighted to see that my work was paying off."
Q: You started your college career at Grand Canyon University, before transferring to Old Dominion. What went into that decision?
FM: "At that time, I had a good mutual friend that introduced me to Dominik Mueller. The recruiting process to go to Old Dominion was really smooth. I got along well with the mentality and personality of Dom, which is what pushed me towards my decision of committing to ODU. Three years later, I do not have any regrets and I am so glad with the path I decided to take."
Q: Since arriving to Norfolk, you've gone to a NCAA Tournament, been named to the All-Conference and All-State teams for singles and doubles, won the ITA Atlantic Region Doubles Championship, among many other honors and accolades. How would you summarize your time at ODU so far?
FM: "I would describe my time at ODU as a really enlightening experience. There have been some ups and downs along the way, which is normal, I guess. Dom is a good witness of that, and the fact that he has always been helping me out on and off the court, is one of the reasons I decided to come back next year. My three years at ODU have been a permanent adaption to a new environment, because my first year we had five seniors graduating and then we had to fill the hole with five incoming freshman the following season. I really enjoyed getting to know new teammates from different countries with different perspectives on life, it made me realize a lot of things and help me to grow as a person. Specifically, on the tennis court, I think I improved a lot. It would not have been possible without the facilities, coaches and equipment that the team and I had at our disposal at Old Dominion."
Q: This ODU men's tennis team was rolling this past season before it ultimately was cut short. What have the past two months been like for you? Also, explain your feelings when you heard that the rest of the spring season was canceled.
FM: "The last two months have been like an emotional rollercoaster. I was so pumped for the rest of the season and despite some close losses, I knew this team had the resources to turn it around and eventually wrap up the season in a beautiful way. However, everything shut down really quickly around mid-March. First of all, the NCAA announced that the rest of the season was canceled, then the school closed and on top of that, all of my friends left the US to go back home. In like three or four days, I felt like everything I had been building at ODU over the last three years was gone in a blink of an eye."
"But after spending time to think about it, I ended up realizing that this virus is impacting people worldwide and it is a much bigger concern than a simple tennis season. Some people are dying, others are losing their jobs and I just came to a point where I told myself 'This situation is not what I was looking for, but it could be much worse'. From there, I started to be more positive and just tried to find solutions in order to move on. I am now back home in France for a month, it has been great catching up with my family that I usually do not see often. The situation in France is slowly getting better, but people are still really careful, especially since France has been one of the most devastated countries by the virus. I am now looking forward to start playing tennis again next week."
Q: With the NCAA granting the opportunity for spring senior student-athletes to receive another year of eligibility, what does this mean for your future, on and off the court?
FM: "This virus basically changed all my plans since I was supposed to graduate this summer and then turn professional while going back to France for good. Once I heard about this fifth year of eligibility, I was still not sure if I would come back. However, after talking with my family, close friends and my coaches, I have made the decision to come back to Old Dominion University in order to finish things in a normal way, such as senior day, graduation etc."
"I am now on my way to graduating with a sports management degree in December. As a result, my plan is to complete my internship in France in the fall, while also practicing and competing there. Finally, I will come back to ODU's campus in January of 2021 for my 'last dance' as a Monarch and I am looking forward to getting the most out of it."
Q: What do you think this team can accomplish next season?
FM: "I truly believe that this team can have a lot of success. Last year was a little rough because we were really young as a team but this year, we had a lot of guys who stepped up and it was great to see. I am now shifting gears to next season, expecting a little more from everyone on the team, because we still have things to work on in order to achieve our goals. Next year, we will have a team with a lot of upperclassmen, and it is important to have experience while playing college tennis. On top of that, we have a great player in Pearse Dolan coming in, which will for sure make an impact on our team, on and off the court. I believe that great things are ahead of us, as long as we stay disciplined and driven as a team."
Q: What would you like to tell Monarch Nation during these trying times?
FM: "During these trying times, I encourage each one of you to remain optimistic, because even though we do not know how long this virus will last, we know how we can approach it. We as a community should really try to focus on what we can control. It is a time for togetherness and collective generosity. It reminds us that we cannot take anything for granted and every day is a blessing. Better days are ahead of us. Go Monarchs!"