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Harry Lozon, an All-American basketball player held or at least shared four school recordswhen he graduated in 1970. The sharp-shooting 6-3 forward scored 1,424 career pointsand claimed 513 rebounds when Old Dominion was moving upward in national awareness.
Lozon completed his career with a season record in field goal percentage of .607 (215-354) in1968. He also shared in a team scoring record average of 98.2 points and free throw accuracyof .742 as that squad compiled a 19-7 record. Lozon also set an individual single-game shootingmark of 11-11 in field goals against Richmond Professional Institute on Feb. 14, 1968.
Lozon had starred for the Coast Guard teams for four years against other service and collegeteams before coming to Old Dominion in the fall of 1966 to play for Sonny Allen. He averaged 27.1 points for the freshmen team, with 46 points coming in one game. Lozon averaged 20.7points in 1967-68. The next year he averaged 16.9 points and hauled in 205 rebounds as the Monarchs ended with a 21-10 record. As a senior he averaged 14.9 points and grabbed 143rebounds as Old Dominion went 21-7. Both the 1968-69 and 1969-70 teams reached the NCAADivision II Regional tournaments.
Twice a co-captain, Lozon was described by former ODU coach Sonny Allen as "probablythe most consistent player I ever coach." Crediting Lozon with helping put ODU in the nationallimelight. Allen looked back at victories over such teams as St. Francis (Pa.), Xavier,Long Island, VMI, American University and Southern Mississippi as Lozon's best.
Lozon, who was named to "Who's Who in American Colleges" and as Old Dominion'soutstanding athlete in 1970, continued making contributions to the Monarchs athletic programafter he graduated. He was a former Monarch Club president, the first official Old Dominion"Big Blue" mascot, a three-year member of the women's basketball scholarship committee, a volunteer assistant coach with the women's basketball team, and a member of the Intercollegiate Scholarship Committee. Lozon was an all-city and all-state basketball playerfrom Dearborn (MI.) High. Lozon was drafted in 1970 by the San Diego Rockets..