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Carl Ragland


  Carl RaglandCarl RaglandPlayer Profile

Carl Ragland, a Norfolk wrestler became the first national champion at Old Dominion University in 1969. He captured the NCAA College Division 152-pound title in 1969 andalso earned the Gorriaran Trophy as the outstanding wrestler in that national tournament.The championship capped a brilliant career which included two-time All-American honorsand a three-year varsity record of 89-6.Never pinned and defeated only six times in three years, Ragland finished 22-2 in 1966 and second nationally at 130 pounds. It was the highest finish of any Old Dominion wrestlerat that point. After red-shirting the following year, he returned in 1968 to post a 30-2-1record and a NCAA National Championship in 1969 with a 37-2 record.

Named as Old Dominion''s outstanding athlete in 1969, Ragland was also selected theoutstanding Tidewater athlete by the Virginia Beach Sports Club and was a finalist in theSigma Nu national fraternity for their athlete of the year award.

Three times named as the outstanding wrestler in the Mason-Dixon Tournament, Ragland wasalso an Eastern Regional Olympic Trials champion in 1968, First Colonies AAU champion in1965, Georgia Invitational champion and outstanding wrestler in 1968 and Towson Invitationalchampion and outstanding wrestler in 1965.

A 1970 graduate who earned a bachelor of science degree in Civil Engineering, Ragland isnow a traffic safety engineer in the U.S. Department of Transporation.