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Meet the Monarchs: Ryan Henry


Throughout spring practice we will take a closer look at some of the players on the team. Today we talk with junior linebacker, Ryan Henry. 

Q: What made you choose ODU?
RH: I originally wanted to stay in Florida. However, when I came to tour ODU I fell in love with the campus. 

Q: What is your major?
RH: Sports management. 

Q: How has playing two years of football at ASA Miami helped prepare you for playing here at ODU?
RH: It has helped me get back into the swing of playing again. Since, I did not play my last three years of high school.  During my first year of playing at ASA Miami, I worked on building my strength and quickness back up. Into my second year I began to get used to playing football again and it became a lot easier. 

Q: What are your career aspirations?
RH: I would like to follow in my father’s footsteps and play in the NFL. However, if that does not work out, I would like to be a personal trainer on a college campus and a motivational speaker. 

Q: When did you start playing football?
RH: I started playing when I was seven years old. I played JV my freshman year of high school, then did not play again until after I graduated high school. 

Q: Did you play any other sports growing up?
RH: Baseball 

Q: What adjustments have you had to make to your game to be successful playing for ODU?
RH: I have been talking to friends of mine who are playing Division 1 football. My dad has also helped me along the way since he was a former NFL player. I have also had to increase and intensify my workouts and preparation in order to be ready. 

Q: Being from Florida, how have you adjusted to playing in colder weather? What will you do to better prepare yourself for practicing and playing in the cold?
RH: It has not been much of a factor when I practice because of all the running we do at practice gets me warmed up quickly. It has been an adjustment outside of practice though. 

Q: In your time here what have you learned?
RH: The classes and playing at the Division 1 level is a lot more difficult then at ASA Miami. I have needed to study harder and better manage my time. 

Q: What do you think you can improve on this spring and summer into the fall?
RH: I need to work on being more well-rounded in my game. 

Q: Favorite athlete and why?
RH: Ray Lewis because I liked how physical and intense he was when he played. I also liked how intimidating he was. 

Q: Favorite food?
RH: Mac and Cheese 

Q: Favorite movie?
RH: Love and Basketball 

Q: Favorite actor/actress?
RH: Kodak Black 

Q: If you could have one superpower what would it be?
RH: To be the strongest and fastest person in the world. 

Q: Favorite superhero?
RH: The Incredible Hulk 

Q: Any hidden talents?
RH: I am a good singer. 

Q: Any hobbies?
RH: I like to watch football highlights in my free time. 

Q:  Do you like to play any other sports for fun?
RH: Basketball 

Q: Favorite professional football team?
RH: Pittsburgh Steelers