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Meet the Monarchs: Justin Cooper


With Old Dominion University football practicing on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, will provide exclusive feature stories and Q&A's throughout spring practice on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Today we feature senior senior tight end, Justin Cooper.

Q: What’s your favorite football memory?
JC: Winning our first bowl game in the Bahamas in 2016.

Q: What do you plan on doing with a business management degree?
JC: I have two options right now: I was going to go and become an officer in the Air Force and then after that I’m going to use my degree and continue my dad’s business in contracting.

Q: How have you seen yourself develop and grow over the past four years of playing college football?
JC: Personally I feel like when I first got here, I took the walk-on life to be not as serious and kind of feeling like I didn’t have a chance. But now I see that the coaches have confidence in me and I just take every opportunity that I get and I do everything to the fullest.

Q: Who’s your biggest inspiration/role model?
JC: Definitely my dad. 100%.

Q: What are some personal goals for the upcoming season?
JC: Since I got moved to tight end, just being a senior in that group I want the tight end group to have a bigger impact on the team and the team to have a better season and get back to another bowl game.

Q: What do you think you could improve on the most as a football player?
JC: My route running. I could definitely improve on my route running.

Q: What is one of your hidden talents?
JC: I can really dance. People don’t think I can really dance. I would definitely say that’s a hidden talent for sure.

Q: If you could hang out with one celebrity for a whole day who would it be?
JC: Drake.

Q: What’s your favorite show of all time?
JC: Power.

Q: If you could only listen to one song throughout an entire workout, what song would it be?
JC: BBO by Migos.

Q: If you had to survive on an island with only two other people, who would you choose?
JC: Rihanna. That’s all I need.

Q: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
JC: I hate when I can hear someone chewing, swallowing and lip smacking.

Q: What was your favorite thing to do back in Ohio? (Virginia)
JC: Just kick it with friends. Go out and play basketball and other sports.

Q: What is your spirit animal? (favorite animal)
JC: Cheetah.

Q: What’s one place you would like to travel to the most?
JC: Dubai, 100%.

Q:Who is your favorite actor of all time?
JC: Denzel Washington.

Q: Would you rather be trapped in a cage with a lion for 24 hours, only be able to eat PP&J for a month straight, or go deaf and blind for three days?
JC: Deaf and blind for three days.

Q: Would you rather have no social media ever again or not be able to watch tv shows or movies every again?
JC: Not be able to watch tv shows or movies ever again.

Q: If you could play any sport other than football professionally, what sport would it be?
JC: Basketball!

Q: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
JC: Lion King.

Q: If you could be someone for one day who would it be?
JC: Mermaid Man. They got invisible cars!

Q: What’s one thing you would change about yourself?
JC: Sometimes I can beat myself up, be too serious on myself when it’s really not that serious. That’d be one thing I’d like to change.

Q: If you could have one super power, what would it be?
JC: Super Speed.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone in high school that wishes to play college ball?
JC: As early as possible, study the game intensively. If you’re on offense, learn how to read defenses. If you’re on defense, learn how to read offenses. When you get here they’re going to throw everything at you. If you don’t have it you better learn it fast once you get here. Just study the game.

Q: What sport do you think is the hardest?
JC: Ice Hockey, to stay on the ice and hit the puck is hard.

Q: Xbox or Playstation?
JC: Playstation.