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Meet the Monarchs: Isaac Weaver


With Old Dominion University football practicing on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, will provide exclusive feature stories and Q&A's throughout spring practice. Today we feature sophomore offensive linemen, Isaac Weaver.

What’s your favorite football memory?
IW: My favorite football memory, I’d say, was playing last year. Just getting to go out with the guys after redshirting. Stepping on the field for the first was one of those moments I’ll remember forever. I was nervous, but finally going out there and getting those first snaps was one of the most exhilarating moments of my life.

How did it feel to making the C-USA All-Freshman team last season?
IW: It was a real honor. I was just really honored to receive an award like that. Not everyone is able to get it and it just shows hard work pays off.

Who’s your biggest inspiration/role model?
IW: My biggest inspiration would have to be my grandpa. He was always there for me when I was growing up and he really showed me how to grow into a good man. So, I owe a lot to him and he’s definitely my biggest role model.

What are some personal goals for the upcoming season?
IW: Personally, I just want to keep improving. I think there’s always room to improve. So, I just want to keep getting better everyday I go out there, so that has to be my personal goal.

What is one of your hidden talents?
IW: I play the guitar, so I guess that would be my hidden talent.

If you could hang out with one celebrity for a whole day who would it be?
IW: I’ll probably say something a little nerdy and go with Joe Thomas. He was the tackle for the (Cleveland) Browns. He’s one of my favorite guys to watch, and he seems like a cool guy, so I’d love to hang out with him.

What’s your favorite show of all time?
IW: My favorite show of all time has to be Breaking Bad. That was a great show.

If you could only listen to one song throughout an entire workout, what song would it be?
IW: I don’t know. I might pick something by Metallica, something heavy. Something like that probably.”

What’s your biggest pet peeve?
IW: My biggest pet peeve is people who don’t clean up after themselves. Things like doing dishes and stuff, that’s my biggest thing. I love a clean kitchen.

What is your favorite animal?
IW: I’d have to a say a bear. I love watching the planet Earth stuff and getting to see the bears coming out of hibernation. I don’t know why, but they’re my favorite.

What’s one place you would like to travel to the most?
IW: I’d have to say Argentina. I’m a big fan of the whole South American culture, and I think that place just has beautiful scenery – so I’d love to go down there and see what it’s all about.

If you could pick one team in the NFL to play for who would it be?
IW: I guess I’d pick the Falcons. You know, that’s where I’m from. So, I’d get to play in front of my family and that’s just a great organization to be a part of.

Who is your favorite actor of all time?
IW: I really like Matthew McConaughey, I think he does a good job with his new stuff.”

Would you rather be trapped in a cage with a lion for 24 hours, only be able to eat PB&J for a month straight, or go deaf and blind for three days?
IW: I think eat PB&J. I could eat PB&J all day, I love those things.

If you could play any sport other than football professionally, what sport would it be?
IW: I’d probably pick baseball. I always loved playing baseball growing up, but I ended up stopping a little earlier than I would have liked. But, I feel like that would be a ton of fun.

If you could have one super power, what would it be?
IW: I’d probably go with being able to fly for sure.

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone in high school that wishes to play college ball?
IW: I would say that it’s not easy, at all. It’s going to be the hardest thing that you’re ever going to have to work for. But, if you really care about it, then that hard work is going to seem completely worth it, it’ll never seem like it’s too much.

What sport do you think is the hardest?
IW: I almost want to say football, but I’d have to say hockey. Just being able to skate all over the place, and the skills you have to have with the stick – hockey is one of the sports that impresses me the most. I think that’s an amazing sport. I’d probably say hockey, that seems like it’s real tough to do.

Xbox or playstation? IW: I’m an Xbox guy, we’re all Xbox guys on the team.