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Get to Know: Jeremy Meiser


With Old Dominion University football practicing on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, will provide exclusive feature stories and Q&A's throughout spring practice. Today we feature sophomore defensive tackle, Jeremy Meiser.

Q: What’s your favorite football memory?
JM: Getting a tackle for loss against Virginia Tech in my first game.

Q: What do you plan on doing with a finance degree?
JM: Go into some type of investing, investing banking, or something in the stock market.

Q: How did it feel to play as a true freshman?
JM: It was interesting at first. I didn’t have any confidence. I felt like everyone was better than me. Slowly as the year went on I started getting confidence and started getting more comfortable.

Q: Who’s your biggest inspiration/role model?
JM: Probably Miles (Fox). Miles played as a true freshman too, about the same situation as me. We started one game and then played a lot off and on. We have similar styles. Basic size and skills and stuff so hes a good person to look up to.

Q: What are some personal goals for the upcoming season?
JM: Well, spring ball I just want to get more comfortable. I haven’t set any real goals for the season yet because I have to get more comfortable and more confident and work on my technique. Fall camp is when I’ll start setting my goals for the actual season.

Q: What do you think you could improve on the most as a football player?
JM: I think keeping a long body with double teams. I have a tendency of curling up and turning – kind of like dropping. I’d like to stay long and get penetration.

Q: What was it like to go to a high school that had pro athletes come out of it?
JM: It was really cool. My freshman year we won states. Sam Hubbard is probably going to be a first rounder, was a safety then, went to Ohio State. The atmosphere there is win, win, win, they don’t tolerate much. It was a lot of fun. Everyone wanted to win. We played against great competition too.

Q: What is one of your hidden talents?
JM: Turkey hunting and calling.

Q: If you could hang out with one celebrity for a whole day who would it be?
JM: Future.

Q: What’s your favorite show of all time?
JM: Breaking Bad.

Q: If you could only listen to one song throughout an entire workout, what song would it be?
JM: Mask off by Future.

Q: If you had to survive on an island with only two other people, who would you choose?
JM: My girlfriend for mental support and friend from back home, Bryce, to help me get stuff done.

Q: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
JM: Laziness.

Q: What was your favorite thing to do back in Ohio?
JM: Loved going to lake house. My friend had a place on the river. Jet ski, tube, and all that kind of stuff.

Q: What is your spirit animal? (favorite animal)
JM: Wolf. I think wolves are really cool.

Q: What’s one place you would like to travel to the most?
JM: Alaska. I feel like not many people go there. I feel like it’s a different culture within the U.S.

Q: If you could pick one team in the NFL to play for who would it be?
JM: Saints, it would be sweet to be in New Orleans.

Q: Who is your favorite actor of all time?
JM: Leonardo DiCaprio

Q: Would you rather be trapped in a cage with a lion for 24 hours, only be able to eat peant butter and jelly sandwiches for a month straight, or go deaf and blind for three days?
JM: Trapped in a cage with a lion for 24 hrs.

Q: If you could play any sport other than football professionally, what sport would it be?
JM: Golf.

Q: What’s one thing you would change about yourself?
JM: I wish I was more understanding

Q: If you could have one super power, what would it be?
JM: Super speed

BY Yousef Hattar