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Meet the Monarchs: Nick Rice Q&A

PEPBBQAOZANJOANPEPBBQAOZANJOAN will have a Q&A with a member of the ODU Football team every Thursday. Today's Q&A is with true freshman kicker, Nick Rice.

Q: What sports did you play growing up?
A: I played soccer first, then I moved to football. I played basketball in middle school.

Q: How did you become a kicker?
A: I became a kicker when I was fifth grade because in little league it was two points instead of the one-point conversion.

Q: What is the hardest part about learning how to kick?
A: Definitely just the technique of it, trying to get the consistency of it.

Q: What do you like most about kicking?
A: Definitely the fact that everyone can depend on you. Being Mr. Dependable is a really rewarding feeling.

Q: Why did you pick Old Dominion?
A: I had a few D-1 offers just partial never a full. ODU offered me last and it was just a good fit for me. The family loved it, we came up here in April.

Q: What's the biggest difference between Florida and Virginia?
A: I would say the humidity for sure. Down in Tampa its more of a city feel, but here it’s more of a neighborhood feel and I like that more.

Q: What do you plan to major in?
A: Business

Q: What do you want to do with that major?
A: I definitely want to do something in sales. My dad was a salesman and I could see myself selling stuff.

Q: Who was/is your biggest role model and why?
A: My father. He was a walk on punter at Ohio State. He used to tell me stories and told me how he wished he kept up with it and would love to be in the shoes I am in today.

Q: What do you do in your spare time?
A: I play Black Ops with my roommates.

Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: Walking dead

Q: What is your favorite food?
A: I would have to say tacos.

Q: Who is your favorite music artist?
A: Khalid

Q: Do you have any pre-game rituals?
A: Kicking. I can’t get to hype or I lose my form. So I listen to songs like “Hey there Delilah” or pop songs from the 2000’s.

Q: Greatest football memory?
A: Moving to Florida my senior year of high school and playing football in Florida.