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Get To Know Your Lady Monarchs: Ryann Bauer

SKNLRSSLIVPWEBTSKNLRSSLIVPWEBT will feature a women’s lacrosse freshman each week during the season for fans to get to know the 2017 freshman class. Today’s Q&A is with Ryann Bauer, a freshman attacking midfielder from Westchester, Pa.

Q: Why choose Old Dominion?
A: The facilities are some of the best around.

Q: Best part about your sport?
A: Having a family away from home.

Q: What team are you most looking forward to playing this year?
A: Jacksonville.

Q: Funniest teammate is?
A: Haley Rineer.

Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Peanut butter.

Q: Who is your favorite athlete?
A: Tom Brady.

Q: Who is your favorite sports team?
A: Eagles.

Q: What are your favorite music genres?
A: Country, pop, hip hop, rap.

Q: Who is your favorite music artist?
A: John Mayer.

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: Good Will Hunting.

Q: What are some of your hobbies?
A: Laying on the beach.

Q: Your biggest quark?
A: I always put my left sock on first.

Q: What is your favorite holiday?
A: Christmas.

Q: Are you a road trip or a direct flight kind of person?
A: Direct flight.

Q: Dogs or cats?
A: Dogs! I have 2 dogs at home.

Q: What is an interesting fact about you?
A: I can belly dance.

Q: If price didn’t matter, where in the world would you like to travel? Why?
A: The British Virgin Islands.

Q: Three things you would take with you on a deserted island?
A: Sun screen, unlimited snacks, Mary Katherine Maloney.

Q: Would you ever go on reality TV? If so which show?
A: Yeah, Big Brother.

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