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Meet the Monarchs: Nijee Cox Q&A


The 2016 ODU Football season is over, but will continue to deliver information on the Monarchs. Whether it be photo galleries, highlight videos, or in today's case, a Q&A. Today's Q&A is sophomore tight end, Nijee Cox.

Q: What made you choose ODU?
A: Mostly, my major. I am a criminal justice major and I want to go into the police force or the federal bureau. ODU Has a lot of connections with the police force around the Virginia Beach and Norfolk area.

Q: When did you start playing football?
A: I started playing flag football at four or five. I got into tackle football around ten years old.

Q: What got you into football?
A: It is fun. It is a great way to take out your frustrations, if you have any. Let’s you get to know other people and make connections too.

Q: Did you play any other sports growing up?
A: I played basketball, soccer, baseball, wrestling and track.

Q: What does it mean to be able to play so close to home being from Virginia Beach?
A: You set an example for people back at home, whether its family or friends. I know there are some family friends who have kids that look up to me for motivation.

Q: What have you learned in the past two years here at ODU?
A: I learned a lot about football. The concept of it, the different techniques and things like that. How to attack the game, make plans for workout schedules and getting your body right. 

Q: What do you think you can personally improve on this offseason?
A: Personally, my strength, speed, and staying quick on my feet. Also, to increase my football I.Q.

Q: The offensive coordinator, Coach Scott, works with the tight ends, what have you learned from him?
A: I have learned different plays and how to go about them. When the defensive line is set a certain way, this is how I should run this route or this is how I should pursue a certain type of block. If I am confused about anything I can ask him and I will get a quick answer.

Q: In your two years here you have been banged up here and there, what have you learned from those injuries?
A: What I have really learned is to keep your body at tip top shape. Workout as much as you can and eat right. Fruits and vegetables keep your body healthy.  Drink a lot of milk to keep your bones strong. I learned if you keep your body right, it will decrease these problems. Stretching and massages here and there help.

Q: You have played with a cast on, how important for you was it to play through some of those injuries?
A: It was really frustrating with the cast, I know there was more I could do but the cast limited me. I tried my best to contribute as much as possible. I had to step up when Melvin Vaughn got hurt, I knew I had to do my best. I had to adapt to different ways of blocking and catching.

Q: You played on special teams before seeing more time on offense, how did that time help you grow and what was it like getting more playing time?
A: I knew in order for me to get on offense I would have to play special teams. I really worked hard at it. Made it my p’s and q’s to get that straighten out. When I finally got to play offense, it was a little nerve racking at first, but after a few plays I got used to the concepts and players.

Q: Favorite food?
A: Pasta. I love pasta. Spaghetti, lasagna and chicken alfredo, I like all types.

Q: Who is on your gameday playlist?
A: Migos. Always gets me in the right mood.

Q: Pregame rituals?
A: Nothing really. The day of the game I like to stop thinking about plays and focus on the goal at hand.

Q: If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
A: Super speed.

Q: Describe the week in the Bahamas leading up to the bowl game.
A: That week was a great week. Definitely one for the memories. Something you will tell your kids about. It was really fun, it was my second or third time being in the Bahamas but first time staying at Atlantis. I enjoyed myself, I didn’t like the walking round part though. We had to walk everywhere. 

Q: Favorite part of the week?
A: My favorite part was just connecting with my teammates. From practices, to waterparks, to the events we did with Eastern Michigan, just really getting close to everyone.