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Meet the Monarchs: Brad Davis Q&A

Meet the Monarchs: Brad Davis Q&AMeet the Monarchs: Brad Davis Q&A

The 2016 ODU Football season is over, but will continue to deliver information on the Monarchs, whether it be photo galleries, highlight videos, or in today's case, a Q&A. Today's Q&A is with sophomore to be place kicker, Brad Davis.

Q: What made you choose Old Dominion University?
A: ODU was the only school I wanted to go to when I started playing football in the eighth grade. Both my parents went here, all my grandparents and aunts and uncles went here. My cousins go here and both my sisters go here now. It’s a big tradition. I get the support from back home since it is so close.

Q: What is your major?
A: Exercise Science. I like the medical field, but I want to be close to football and what they do down in the training room.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do in the Hampton Roads area?
A: Going to the beach, there is not much to do in Chesapeake. It was voted third most boring city in America. 

Q: What got you in to football?
A: My cousin Ryan Troutman, who kicked for CNU, became my coach in the summer before eighth grade. He taught me everything I know. Our high school football coach saw me practicing and said if I make the next kick I am on the team. I made it.

Q: What do you think you can improve on in the offseason?
A: Gaining weight and getting stronger. I am a skinny guy, the more I grow the stronger my leg is going to get.

Q: Who is your favorite athlete and why?
A: Dustin Hopkins. He was a kicker at Florida State and has bounced around the NFL. He got an opportunity no kicker ever gets. He missed a game winning field goal one week, and spent the whole week after praying. The following week he made a game winning field goal from farther away. I could feel the emotion from a video I watched about him.

Q: What was it like making your first field goal for ODU?
A: It was versus Charlotte and was a 30 yarder. I made it, but there was an offsides penalty so I had to kick again five yards back.  I remember kicking that one, and getting hit. I spun around and watched my ball go in. It was a huge confidence booster to get that field goal out of the way.

Q: How do you build off the nine-straight field goal streak you had this season?
A: I want to beat that. This past freshman year was a baseline. I want to increase that streak.

Q: Who is on your gameday playlist?
A: I am an old classic guy. I like AC/DC and Radiohead. I play AC/DC going to the stadium, and then Take Me Home Country Roads as I walk off the bus before every game.

Q: Favorite Food?
A: Kraft Mac & Cheese

Q: Favorite Movie?
A: My all-time favorite would be Stand by Me.

Q: Any Hidden Talents?
A: I can ride the unicycle, and play the saxophone.

Q: If you could have one super power, what would it be?
A: Flying. That would be the coolest thing. You wouldn’t have any boundaries. When I was younger, I thought I could fly and would always jump off things hoping to fly.

Q: Everyone in your family goes to Old Dominion, when you told them you wanted to go here and play football, what was that like?
A: When I started playing football, ODU’s program had just started. It was just gaining momentum and hype around the area. My dad thought it was a perfect opportunity, right down the road from home. 

Q: Not many kickers are as tall as you, how do you use your 6-6 size as an advantage?
A: Well it gives me a longer lever arm when we are talking about physics. I need to get stronger and gain more control of my base. Having a longer leg is great.

Q: How important was Douglas Finney (sports psychologist) to your confidence?
A: She was a huge factor, she opened the door. I knew I had the ability all along, she said the right things and helped me stay positive.

Q: You had to punt this year at FAU, what was going through your mind during your first ever punt?
A: When I would talk to Douglas Finney, I would have to remind myself to not think about it too much. I was preparing all week, but I didn’t think I would have to punt. During the game, Coach Bankins told me he didn’t care what it looked like, just catch the ball and don’t let him block it. He didn’t have high expectations, I felt super relaxed. It wasn’t a great punt, only like 30 yards but it was solid.

Q: Tell us about the week leading up to the Bahamas Bowl?
A: So much fun, I don’t travel a lot so it was a crazy experience especially seeing how clear the water was. We went to the beach a lot and hit the water slides. I loved it.

Q: You will go down as the first person to score for Old Dominion in a bowl game, talk about the kick and being in the record books.
A: Before any game, I always have that feeling of butterflies. After the first good kick in a game, it goes away. I just had an article written about me and knew I couldn’t have an average game. I had to have great kickoffs, make every extra point and I just needed one field goal. I got my opportunity, I was really calm and trusted my guys. They weren’t much of a rushing team, so I wasn’t worried about it getting blocked. It was smooth sailing after that kick.

Q: What has Coach Charles Bankins (Special Teams) done for you?
A: He has been a huge motivator in my life. He came in here and took up the uncle role. He whipped us into shape. We were getting lackadaisical. He got us moving, doing things faster.  

Q: You, Bailey and Reed work as team, how important are they for what you do?
A: They are important. It’s not just me. I wouldn’t be in this room right now if it wasn’t for them. There work goes unrecognized sometimes, an article will mention my name but they made it all possible. They know their roles, and I know mine. We are close inside and outside of football.