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Meet the Monarchs: Tony Barnett Q&A


The 2016 ODU Football season is over, but will continue to deliver information on the Monarchs, whether it be photo galleries, highlight videos, or in today's case, a Q&A. Today's Q&A is with sophomore to be offensive lineman, Tony Barnett.

Q: What made you choose ODU?
A: I chose Old Dominion because they were my first FBS offer. I really liked the school and it was close to home. My parents can come watch all my home games.

Q: What is your major?
A: Sport Management

Q: When did you start playing football?
A: I started playing football was I was five.

Q: Did you play any other sports growing up?
A: In high school, I played basketball and threw shotput and discus in track.

Q: What is the biggest challenge you faced this season?
A: The speed of the game.  From redshirting last year to playing this year, the speed of the game is a lot quicker than in high school.

Q: What did you gain your redshirt year?
A: Academics was a big part of that year. Getting acclimated to college itself. There was a big difference coming out of Fork Union, college has a lot of distractions. That redshirt year helped me get focused for playing next season.

Q: Having played 10 games this season, what kinds of experiences do you take into next season?
A: Being an older guy here, working on my technique and being more of a leader.

Q: How do you think Fork Union prepared you for ODU?
A: It prepared me both academically and on the field.  It allowed me to workout and put on more weight. Coach Shuman helped us all out a lot.

Q:  Do you think it is something about their atmosphere there that produces high quality talent?
A: Yeah, definitely. You have to go there to really know what goes on. It changes you as a person, it makes you respect everything that comes at you. It’s a great place.

Q: Who would you say your role model is?
A: My Dad. He taught me everything, how to be polite, how to strive for the best and reach for the stars. 

Q: Favorite Athlete?
A: Trent Williams, the left tackle for the Washington Redskins.

Q: Favorite NFL Team?
A: I am a diehard Washington Redskins fan.

Q: Favorite Food?
A: My Mom’s lasagna.

Q: Favorite Music Artist?
A: J. Cole.

Q: Pregame Ritual?
A: Before I leave the hotel, I throw on some gospel music to bring me down. In the locker room, I say a quick prayer and then throw on some J. Cole or Young Thug to get me pumped up. Then its game time.

Q: If you could have dinner with any three-people dead or alive, who would they be?
A: Barack Obama, my Grandfather, and Gabriella Union.

Q: Describe the week leading up to the Popeyes Bahamas Bowl.
A: That week was great, the time of my life.  It was amazing. The people were so nice, the scenery was beautiful, and then experiencing practicing in the heat.  You also really got to see that the Bahamas was not just the beautiful scenery destination, but was a third world country that we saw every day on our way to practice. 

Q: What was your favorite part of bowl game week in the Bahamas?
A: The Abyss Waterslide. It was the biggest waterslide I had ever been on. It was hectic.

Q: What went through your mind when you got your first career start?
A: My first start was against WKU. I was excited to play them. I was excited that my coach gave me an opportunity to start and trusted me to play.

Q: What did you learn from that game and take towards the rest of the season?
A: The game speed was tough. But after that, getting better with plays and techniques. As the season went on it got easier and easier. By the time of the bowl game, I felt I had being doing this for a while.

Q: What have you being able to learn from Coach Malone (O-line coach) in the last year?
A: When it comes to football, Coach Malone knows what he is talking about. He has my trust as a coach, and my full attention.  He taught us a lot. He is big on technique. If you take the wrong step, he will let you know, and if you take the right step he will congratulate you. I love the guy. He is one of my favorite coaches.  

Q: Offensive lines are known for their brotherhood, is that how you guys are on the team?
A: Yeah, especially this year. This group went 10-3 and it really started with the O-line. This year it felt like we really had that bond. The bond was not there last year, like it was this year. I’m looking forward to next year and the years to come. I feel like we are going to do great things as an O-line. 

Q: With only two linemen graduating, how will that continuity and bond continue?
A: Me, Nick, Chad, Devin, and Darius have that bond and chemistry. We all have been playing together. You need that chemistry together, especially with the O-line. We have a couple more years of playing together and I think we will be alright. 

Q: Darius Garcia went to Fork Union, two recent recruits Marcus Haynes and Elijah Rivers are coming from Fork Union. Do you help recruit the Fork Union guys?
A: Darius was my host when I came for my official visit. We could relate on things, Fork Union wise. When I came in he was like my big brother. He still is my big brother, I talk to him every day.  It’s the same with Elijah and Marcus, we both hosted Elijah on his official visit. Coach Malone went to Fork Union also. We all just had that special bond, like I said you have to go there to really understand what goes on. It’s a great place.