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Thank you to Monarch Nation for the tremendous support yesterday during our 33-19 Homecoming win over UTSA. We are excited and proud to be 1-0 in C-USA! The game marked our 50th consecutive sellout at home. We are the only team in the history of college football to sellout every home game we have ever played and our team is grateful for the unbelievable support! More important than the game yesterday was the statement our team made before the game and what we plan to do in the coming months in support of the children all over the world. As we entered the field and ran to the student section our players and coaches formed a “circle of unity.”We held hands together over our heads facing the crowd as a sign of unity. We wanted to show the fans, the country, and the world that we are saddened by the hostility we see every day in our world. Before every game in the future we will form the “circle of unity” and we will ask other teams to join us if they would like to. Our goal is not to make a political statement. Our goal is to show the world that we are unified as human beings that should live together in peace and harmony. In the very near future we will also form a group called Children 4 Humanity #WALT.  WALT stands for Watch, Accept, Listen, Tolerate. We want the children to learn that it is O.K. to accept every one you meet regardless of race, religion, or political belief. Our goal will be to help the children understand that the world they live in is a great place full of possibilities. We feel the children, Our future, are being negatively influenced by what they see every day taking place around the world. We want to influence the children in a positive way. They are the future. I hope you will all join our team in support of the Children. Every parent including me needs help in teaching our children that the world we live in should be cherished every day as well as every Person. Let us all hold hands together in the “circle of unity.” “AIM HIGH”