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Meet the Monarchs: Devin Hannan Q&A


Throughout the summer will talk to coaches and student-athletes to get to know them better. Today's Q&A is with redshirt freshman left tackle, Devin Hannan. Hannan enters camp as the starter at left tackle.

Q: You redshirted your first year at ODU. How do you think that prepared you for the upcoming season?
A: It allowed me to get bigger and stronger, and even faster. I also had time to learn the system and all the plays, so now I am ready to go this year.

Q: When did you start playing football, and why?
A: When I was 14 years old. I always wanted to play football but I signed up for it in the 8th grade.

Q: Why did you choose Old Dominion?
A: I liked the coaches and the vision they had for success. I also had a good official visit because the guys on the team were very cool and welcoming. I just had a great overall experience from my unofficial to my official visit here.

Q: What is your major?
A: Criminal justice.

Q: Did you play any other sports in high school/growing up?
A: Yeah, basketball and track and field.

Q: Who is the funniest guy on the team?
A:  Definitely David Washington.

Q: Name an Emoji that describes you the most?
A: I would have to say the “laughing” Emoji because I like to joke a lot.

Q: Have you always played the offensive line?
A: Yes, ever since I started playing football.

Q: Name one movie that you saw this year, and would recommend to others?
A: Definitely “Now You See Me 2.” It is a really good movie.

Q: Who is your biggest role model, and why?
A: Definitely my high school head coach, Aaron Krepps. He has guided me throughout my entire football career. I would not be here without him.

Q: What are you looking most forward to on game day?
A: Winning, but also coming out of the tunnel and hearing the loud crowd.

Q: Favorite book?
A: The Hobbit. It is a great book.

Q: Do you have any unique pre-game rituals?
A: Not really. Well, actually I shower before every game at the hotel. It makes me feel better.

Q: If you were on a deserted island, and could only take two things with you, what would they be, and why?
A: Probably just life supplies and water, so I could survive.

Q: Favorite video game?
A: Call of Duty.

Q: Name one goal that you have for the upcoming season?
A: Just to help my team any way possible, whether it is playing on the field or motivating my teammates. The goal is to make it to the Bowl Game, and winning it.