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One on One: Brandan Stith


Q&A: Get to know Brandan Stith

Q: How would you assess your first season in an ODU uniform?
A: My first season here was tough. I had to get back to my roots after transferring from East Carolina. Coming to ODU was a new environment and it took some time to adjust to the system.

Q: What is it like having your brother and dad here with you?
A: It’s great. Going back to high school days, we were already playing together, and now we are reunited here at ODU. It’s exciting that we are all together again.

Q: What has been your favorite non-basketball moment at ODU so far?
A: That’s a tough one. I would have to say going to the football games.

Q: What did you work on the most this offseason?
A: Definitely my free throw shooting and jump shot. I have been shooting 300 shots every week, trying to get my form straight. I have also worked on my dribbling a lot.

Q: What do you consider your greatest strength on the hardwood?
A: I would say my energy. My goal is to always outwork everyone else on the court, which means running faster and playing harder, which makes it harder for them to play against me.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish personally, and as a team this season?
A: I can probably speak for everybody on the team. Our goal is to win the C-USA championship. We lost to Middle Tennessee by two points in the championship game last season, but I think we can win it this year with this team.

Q: Social media of choice?
A: I would have to say Twitter.

Q: Favorite place on campus?
A: Definitely my room.

Q: Favorite restaurant in Norfolk?
A: It’s called Katana Japanese Steakhouse. I go there like 2-3 times a week and order some chicken and shrimp. I go there so often, the people there know my order by heart.

Q: Favorite food?
A: I love shrimp. I eat it with some hot sauce or ranch, or anything, as long as it has shrimp in it.

Q: Favorite dessert?
A: That’s easy, definitely cheesecake with strawberry sauce on top of it.

Q: Favorite movie?
A: I have a lot of favorite movies. I am an action and adventure kind of guy. I like ‘American Sniper’ and ‘More Than a Game’.

Q: If you, B.J. and your dad played each other in a 1-on-1 tournament, who would win?
A: Well it depends on the rules of the tournament. If we only played until like three points, I think my dad got it because he is bigger and stronger, but he can’t play for very long. That is a tough one though, I feel like anyone could win it.

Q: Who is your favorite NBA team?
A: Cleveland Cavaliers.

Q: Who is your favorite NBA player?
A: LeBron James.

Q: Do you have any unique pre-game rituals?
A: Nothing unique, usually I just sit in my locker and listen to music. I like to listen to Lil Wayne, Drake, 21 Savage and Lil Uzi. Those will definitely get me game-ready.

Q: What is your go-to pre-game song?
A: 21 Savage - No Heart.

Q: If you could meet any person in the present or past, who would it be?
A: I would have to say Barack Obama.

Q: Which C-USA opponent do you get most excited to play against?
A: Definitely Middle Tennessee. First of all, I don’t think we have beaten them since we got in the C-USA, and we also lost to them in the championship game by two, so it’s a little grudge I hold against them.

Q: Who is the funniest guy on the team?
A: That is up in the air for anybody, but I would have to say either Jordan or B.J.

Q: Name one thing that most people don’t know about you?
A: I am a kid at heart. I like video games and cartoons, and all that kind of stuff. Everyone sees me as this big and tough guy, but when I am in my room I just like to chill, play Xbox, Mortal Kombat, Dragon Ball Z, and so on.

Q: What is your dream job?
A: That is also an easy one. My dream job is to go play in the NBA.