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Meet the Monarchs: Nick Clarke Q&A

YYUOZMECDAPFSVGYYUOZMECDAPFSVG will get you ready for Saturday's game with another edition of Meet the Monarchs. Today's Q&A is with redshirt freshman center, Nick Clarke.

Q: Why did you choose Old Dominion?
A: Of all the coaches who had been recruiting me, Coach Dee was the one I felt most comfortable with. He came to see me the most and called me the most. When I came down here, it just felt like home, and all the offensive linemen here clicked well.

Q: What is your favorite thing about Hampton Roads?
A: I would say my favorite thing about this area is that there are so many things to do. There’s the beach, a lot of water and plenty of good places to eat. 

Q: When did you start playing football?
A: I started playing football when I was in fourth grade.

Q: What got you into football?
A: I played a lot of other sports, and my dad asked if I wanted to try football, so I did.  

Q: What other sports did you play growing up?
A: I played a little bit of everything, but when I got older I stuck with lacrosse and football.

Q: Who is your role model?
A: My role models are my parents. My mom works really hard as a teacher, and my dad has always been there to help me and give me whatever I need.

Q: Favorite food?
A: My favorite food is my mom’s homemade cookies.

Q: Favorite music artist?
A: I don’t have one favorite music artist. I mostly listen to a lot of country.

Q: What’s on your iPod?
A: On my iPod I have some rap, Christina Perri, Taylor Swift and a lot of others.

Q: Favorite NFL team?
A: My favorite NFL team is the Washington Redskins.

Q: Favorite athlete?
A: My favorite athlete is Shaquille O’Neal.

Q: One place you want to travel to?
A: I have always wanted to go somewhere tropical, like the Bahamas or Hawaii.

Q: Who is one famous person you hope to meet?
A: Again, I would probably say Shaquille O’Neal.

Q: Pregame rituals?
A: I always wake up and take a shower on gameday. I try to listen to country music or anything that relaxes me. Then, I always call my parents before every game.

Q: Favorite actor/actress?
A: Right now, I really like Kevin Hart.

Q: Favorite part of gameday?
A: I really like riding on the buses over to the stadium and seeing all the fans. Running out of the tunnel and hearing the crowd cheer is also pretty awesome.

Q: How did your redshirt year prepare you for this season?
A: It was big. I had a lot of ups and downs my redshirt year. Coach Dee helped me a lot, and Coach Jolly spent a lot of time with me in the film room. I had to try to fix a lot of things and take steps in the right direction every day.

Q: You came in and started midway through the Eastern Michigan game at center. Did you feel prepared to step in during that situation?
A: All the coaches did a great job preparing me to play during camp. I knew I was going to get in; I just didn’t know when. My head was spinning when I first got out there, but Tyler Fisher game me a pat on the head and said “you’ll be alright; we’re all out here.” That was very comforting.

Q: How have the older guys on the team helped with your transition into a starting role?
A: The whole offensive line here is a family. I’m always around these guys, and we’re always hanging out together. So, on the field, everybody kind of gels a little more. It helps us take the critiques better. They are all so supportive and always build each other up.