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Meet the Monarchs: Brandon Addison Q&A

WRLOYHURBJZFXNLWRLOYHURBJZFXNL will get you ready for Saturday's game with another edition of Meet the Monarchs. Today's Q&A is with sophomore cornerback, Brandon Addison.

Q: Why did you choose Old Dominion?
A: I’m from the 757; I went to Western Branch High School. I love playing here, and when I was in high school I always wanted to play here.

Q: What is your favorite thing about Hampton Roads?
A: I would say the pride of the area. There are a lot of notable athletes who have left, and it’s a good feeling knowing that there are a lot of athletes from this area who have made it to the next level. It’s a really prideful area, and everyone supports each other.

Q: When did you start playing football?
A: I started playing football when I was five years old with Churchland Pop Warner.

Q: What got you into football?
A: My mom got me into football because she wanted to toughen me up. I was kind of a cry baby, so she signed me up for Pop Warner football.

Q: Who is your role model?
A: My role model is my guardian, Melvin. He has helped me grow into a great man and a great man of God.

Q: Favorite movie?
A: I would have to say my favorite movie is The Best Man Holiday.

Q: Favorite music artist?
A: My favorite music artist is J. Cole.

Q: What’s on your iPod?
A: On my iPod I have some J. Cole, Big Sean, Kendrick Lamar and some John Legend.

Q: Favorite NFL team?
A: My favorite NFL team used to be the Atlanta Falcons when they had Michael Vick, but since then I haven’t really had a favorite team.

Q: What would your superpower be and why?
A: I would like to have super speed, so it would be easier to cover the wide receivers.

Q: What is something people don’t know about you?
A: A lot of people don’t know that I love working with kids. I like coaching with youth football leagues and going out and helping them.

Q: Hidden talents?
A: I’m pretty good at basketball.

Q: Favorite athlete?
A: My favorite athlete is Allen Iverson.

Q: One place you want to travel to?
A: I would probably have to say Spain.

Q: Pregame rituals?
A: I listen to music and pray before every game.

Q: Favorite actor/actress?
A: My favorite actor is Will Smith.

Q: You came to ODU as a walk-on. How does it feel to already have earned a starting spot in your redshirt freshman season?
A: It’s a good feeling. Last year when I redshirted, I put in a lot of hard work and stayed after with Coach Perkins, (then cornerbacks coach at the time) a lot to work on technique. He would teach me pass concepts, and I would just watch the other guys and pick up stuff from them. It helped being on the scout team against people like Zach Pascal, David Washington and Antonio Vaughan. That really made me better.