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Meet the Monarchs: Richard Thomas Q&A

QFTOMBTHBWAREIAQFTOMBTHBWAREIA reports daily on Old Dominion football practice and one of the features will be a Q&A with a student-athlete. Today's Q&A is with junior linebacker, Richard Thomas.

Q: Why did you choose Old Dominion?
A: I chose Old Dominion because I liked the defensive coordinator, Rich Nagy, a lot. I also wanted to come further up north than Mississippi. I really enjoyed my visit here, too.

Q: What is your favorite thing about Hampton Roads?
A: I like that it’s close to Virginia Beach. Everyone is nice and everything is nice up here.

Q: What is your major?
A: My major is sport management.

Q: When did you start playing football?
A: I started playing football in the fourth grade. I started out playing peewee football, and I just fell in love with it from there.

Q: What got you into football?
A: My dad played college football, so I wanted to be just like him when I was growing up. He played at East Mississippi Community College and at North Alabama.

Q: What sports did you play growing up?
A: I played football, basketball and baseball.

Q: Who is your role model?
A: I would have to say my mom. She influences me a lot to be great; she just motivates me.

Q: Favorite food?
A: I’m going to have to go with wings.

Q: Favorite movie?
A: I liked Southpaw a lot. I’d have to say that’s my new favorite movie.

Q: Favorite music artist?
A: I would say Future is my favorite music artist.

Q: What’s on your iPod?
A: I have a lot of Future, Meek Mill, and just a lot of hip hop.

Q: Favorite NFL team?
A: I like the Minnesota Vikings.

Q: What would your superpower be and why?
A: I’m going to have to go with flying, but I have no idea why.

Q: Hidden talents?
A: I like to joke. I can clown all day; I’m a comedian.

Q: Favorite athlete?
A: I would say Michael Jordan.

Q: One place you want to travel to?
A: I hope to go to the Bahamas, so hopefully we get that bowl game.

Q: Favorite part of gameday?
A: When you come out of the tunnel and see the crowd yelling, that is my favorite part. I love the atmosphere.

Q: Famous person you hope to meet?
A: I’m going to say Young Thug.

Q: Pregame rituals?
A: I usually try to dress the same each game depending on how I play. If I have a good game, I’ll dress the same next time. If I have a bad game, I have to change it up.

Q: Favorite actor/actress?
A: My favorite actor would probably be Kevin Hart.

Q: You were junior college teammates with Martez Simpson. Did that have any effect on you choosing Old Dominion?
A: Yeah, I talked to Martez a good bit about Old Dominion throughout the recruiting process. He told me everything I needed to know and kept it real with me.

Q: How has it been getting acclimated to Coach Nagy’s defense?
A: The spring was tough, but I am really getting the hang of it since fall camp started. I am looking forward to having a great year.

Q: How excited are you for the first game?
A: I’m hyped to be a Division I football player. I can’t wait to see what the atmosphere is like.

Q: Was it tough to integrate yourself with the team after coming in mid-January last year?
A: Yeah, it definitely was. I didn’t know any of the warmups or stretches at first. It took me about a good week to pick up on everything, but once I got the hang of it I really caught on quickly.