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ODUSports Feature: Taylor Heinicke Q&A


Former Old Dominion star quarterback Taylor Heinicke began training camp with the Minnesota Vikings this week. recently sat down with Heinicke to discuss his experience and more.

Q: First couple days of training camp, what’s it like being out here?

TH: As a rookie quarterback it’s hectic. You have a lot of things running through your mind and you don’t want to mess up, so it’s tough but fun. I love the game of football and I’m always trying to have fun. Today was a lot better than yesterday and I can feel myself getting better.

Q: Is it everything you thought it would be?
TH: Yes, and more. I expected to be treated like a rookie and stuff like that but again, if you want to be successful in the NFL you have to earn it. I’m trying to go through my progressions faster, and that’s the thing, everything happens faster in the NFL. 

Q: You looked to be on target with a lot of your throws today, what did you think of your throws today and was it better than the first day?
TH: Yesterday I felt like I was guiding the ball a little bit, I tend to do that a little every now and then.  Today I tried to knock that off and just let it loose. I felt like I did a lot better today.

Q: You hear the stories of how thick the NFL playbooks are.  How has that process gone?
TH: I’m trying to take it one day at a time, learning the new installs and stuff like that. Trying to process the info we learn that day and feel comfortable with it and then the next day its something new and do the same thing. Just trying to get those plays down and know it like the back of my hand.

Q: How different are the mini camps and OTA’s from training camp?
TH: Training camp is the real deal. This is it. OTA’s and mini camp for rookies is more like a learning process to feel out how the offense works. Training camp is the time to perform. 

Q: At ODU you never worked in a huddle or under center, how has that part of your learning process gone?
TH: During OTA’s and mini camp I was getting adjusted. I think every day we had I got more comfortable with it. Just practicing in my room and in bed, the cadence and saying the play, stuff like that I’ve gotten used to it now.

Q: What are some of the ODU memories that stick in your mind?
TH: I go back to freshman year, I was actually thinking about this the other day, I’m actually getting goose bumps thinking about it now, when Thomas DeMarco came into the game at Richmond on senior day and the whole crowd was standing chanting his name. That was one of the coolest things I was a part of during my time at ODU. Coming in freshman year having a great season, the whole sophomore season was awesome. Just seeing how the program has gone through the steps and being a C-USA contender, it’s cool. I’m definitely going to try to watch them every Saturday.

Q: What was last year like for you, finishing your career in Conference USA?
TH: Something as a kid you dream of doing, playing with those power five conference schools. It was cool, going to NC State and almost coming out of there with a win, it was fun. 

Q: We see you carrying the helmets of the other three quarterbacks off the field, what’s it like being an NFL rookie?
TH: Pretty much whatever they need I get it. If they want snacks in the meeting room, 'Taylor go get some snacks'. It’s fine, I embrace it. If you don’t, you’re going to have a rough time with it.