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Get to Know Your Monarchs: Q&A With Jeremy Cox


Throughout spring football practice, will do a Q&A with a member of the ODU Football team.  Today's Q&A is with freshman running back, Jeremy Cox.

Q: At what age did you start playing football?A: I started playing football when I was five years old.

Q: Who was your biggest influence in playing sports?A: I would have to say it came from my dad. He was a big influence on my life as far as football.

Q: Did anyone else in your family play sports?A: Yes all my family played sports, but their favorite sport was basketball and mine turned out to be football.

Q: Why did you choose football over basketball?A: Well that’s how my parents started me out. They started me in football. I do have the basketball genes, I can play, but I fell in love with football.

Q: Why did you choose Old Dominion?A: Well I chose Old Dominion because I’ve been here on recruiting visits and they showed a bunch of love. Not only did they show love, they had a young recruiting class and a young team and this year we are going to have a stronger running game and run the ball a lot.

Q: How have practices been going for you so far?A: Rough. That is what I would say, rough. Everything is a learning lesson. Watching Ray is a good experience, he has been showing me the ins and outs, but practice is rough.

Q: What are you most excited for with the upcoming season?A: I would have to say that I am just excited for the season. I am ready to play. I’m ready to get on the field.

Q: How have the weight training and lifting sessions been for you?A: The weight training is pretty tough, but we need it. This is Division I football so every other school is doing the same thing we are, to try and get better.

Q: What is your favorite holiday to celebrate and why?A: It is a toss up between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Christmas because I love presents, what kid doesn’t love presents and then I love food. I travel to visit my family for Thanksgiving and we all enjoy great food together.

Q: Who in the NFL is your favorite player to watch?A: It is a toss up between Tom Brady and Adrian Peterson.

Q: Why Tom Brady?A: Well he is a leader and I want to set myself after him, plus he is a quarterback of the team and I play running back. Then I would pick Adrian Peterson because I feel like I run just like him.

Q: Which NFL, NBA and MLB teams do you like to root for and follow?A: Patriots are my favorite team. Basketball, I can’t say a team, LeBron James is my favorite player in the NBA. Baseball, I’ve never had a baseball team but I would root for the Yankees.

Q: Who is your celebrity crush?A: Scarlett Johannson, she is my celebrity crush.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?A: I always wanted to go to the Bahamas. A lot of my family have been there and it looks very peaceful. I like the water and the scenery.

Q: If you could give one piece of advice to young Jeremy what would you say knowing what you know now compared to then?A: Listen to your parents. Be able to take good criticism. Be disciplined and keep God and family first always.

Q: What word of advice have the upper classmen given you that has stuck most with you?A: Take criticism. The coaches are on you daily. Whether it is good or bad they are still going to fuss at you. Their job is to make you mentally stronger.

Q: Is there any hidden talent that you have outside of football that you would share?A: I am kind of an all around guy. I can’t sing or play instruments, but everything else I like. I do it for the fun.