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Get to Know Your Monarchs: Justice Davila Q&A


Throughout spring football practice, will do a Q&A with a member of the ODU Football team.  Today's Q&A is with sophomore safety, Justice Davila.

Q: How did you get started in football?
A: I was five years old and I was watching my cousin play back in my hometown, and it just caught my eye. I asked my dad if I could play and it’s been a wrap ever since.

Q: Who is your biggest inspiration?
A: My cousin got me started, but after that it was definitely my dad. Hearing how good he was in high school made me want to live up to his legacy.

Q: Why Old Dominion?
A: Looking at colleges I didn’t really want to stay close to home. But, nothing beats the atmosphere ODU brings with the fans so that helped me decide as well.

Q: Last year you played as a true freshman, what was that experience like?
A: Crazy! Of course everyone comes here wanting to play; thinking that they should play, but it’s another reality once you actually play.

Q: How have you improved since last year?
A: Just the experience overall. Getting to play changes the way you look at things and your mind set going into it.

Q: What are your goals going into the 2015 season? Both personally and as a team.
A: Personally, I just want to get better and get bigger. I’m small right now so I need to gain weight. As a team, of course, get to a bowl game.

Q: What’s your go-to pregame song?
A: I don’t have a primary song but artist wise I would have to say Meek Mill since he’s really popular in my area.

Q: What toppings are on your perfect pizza?
A: Bacon and fried chicken.

Q: Favorite movie?
A: I like to be childish here and there so I’m going to say The Spongebob Movie.

Q: What’s your most embarrassing memory?
A: I was at the jungle gym and I was climbing the slide and I fell down when I got to the top, so I didn’t get to go down the slide.

Q: What’s your favorite word or saying?
A: I would have to say “Got em” from the Instagram videos. That’s trending right now so I say it a lot.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A: Hopefully retired. I don’t plan on working that long, I want to make money fast and spread it out.