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Get to Know Your Monarchs: Q&A With Oshane Ximines


Throughout spring football practice, will do a Q&A with a member of the ODU Football team.  Today's Q&A is with redshirt freshman, Oshane Ximines.

Q: First day of spring practice what, was it like to get back on the field?
A: It feels weird because I redshirted last season and I just never took reps with the first team. I finally feel like I’m a part of the team so I feel happy. I never take any reps for granted because I remember the days when I wasn’t on the field.

Q: What was it like last season redshirting?
A: I was young and didn’t understand. I was 17 years old about 6-4, 210 lbs. and I wasn’t physically ready to play at the level. Me being the competitive person that I am I wanted to play and I didn’t understand why I was sitting, but now I understand and I’m glad I redshirted.

Q: You went to the same high school as Antonio Vaughan. Did you look at him as a role model?
A: Of course. I look at him as my big brother. He’ll shoot me text messages and always tells me that I have to “put on for the A”, that’s what we call Ahoskie.

Q: When did you start playing football?
A: In ninth grade I played Junior Varsity, I was 5-8, 140 lbs. In 10th grade I had a big growth spurt where I gained about 40 lbs. and grew to 6-2.

Q: Why did you start playing football?
A: I just one day decided to go out there. I didn’t even play in ninth grade. I was on the bench all year but I’m just a competitive person and hit the weight room hard. I’m glad I never quit because I thought about quitting.

Q: Why did you choose Old Dominion?
A: Being recruited out of high school I was overlooked by a lot of schools, but a few schools gave me the opportunity to come to their program. I had a good relationship with coach Whitcomb, my recruiting coordinator, and thought learning from coach Comissiong, who came from BC and has 7 or 8 guys in the NFL, I felt like I could really be developed here and become a dominant force.

Q: What game next season are you most looking forward too?
A: NC State.

Q: What about Old Dominion do you like the most?
A: Definitely the relationship that I have with my teammates and coaches. We can just all go to one of our rooms and play video games all night. Everybody likes everybody. I just like the atmosphere. We talk and joke around and everyone gets along and we all hang out together on the weekends.

Q: Have you gotten to explore the Hampton Roads area?
A: Yea I’ve been to Virginia Beach a couple of times and I’ve been around Norfolk a little bit.

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: Avatar. The blue people are pretty cool.

Q: What is your favorite food?
A: I eat everything.

Q: Who is your favorite musician?
A: Fetty Wap.

Q: What video game do you and your teammates play the most?
A: Probably NBA 2k15.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
A: Hawaii. It’s a nice play to go.

Q: If you could meet a celebrity present, future, or past who would it be?
A: Kanye West because of his attitude.

Q: Who influenced you most growing up helping you to become the person that you are today?
A: Defiantly my mom. I have 3.85 GPA and that’s what she pushes for most. I never give up or quit because she tells me if you want to be somebody one day, nobody’s going to look at a quitter. You have to keep on going no matter how hard things get. That is what I live my life by, she always says whatever you do now pays off later and that’s how I think while I’m doing my reps in the weight room.

Q: What are you studying for your degree?
A: Finance.

Q: What would you like to do with that after football?
A: My dad works at JP Morgan and maybe he could help me out to start off and I can work from there.