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Get To Know Your Monarchs: Q&A With Taylor Ostrich

GLKCIIECUEVUWGGGLKCIIECUEVUWGG Q&A with ODU senior first baseman, Taylor Ostrich.

Q: Did you want to be a baseball player growing up? If not what did you want to be?

A: I’ve always loved baseball, but I actually didn’t figure out what I wanted to do until right before my senior year started. I kind of went back and forth between baseball and football.

Q: Who was your role model growing up?

A: My role model has always been my dad. Every time I wanted to go hit or do something he was there to not just help me with it but to show me how.

Q: What’s your favorite sport other than baseball?

A: Would have to be football

Q: Who is your favorite baseball team and player?

A: I’m a big Cubs fan and my favorite player is Josh Hamilton, I’ve always liked him.

Q: Do you try to model your game after Josh Hamilton or any other players?

A: Wouldn’t say I model my game after Josh Hamilton, it’s just he’s a completely different player. I like to take bits and pieces from different players and try to incorporate into what I do.

Q: Which current MLB pitcher would you like to have an at-bat against?

A: That’s a good question; I’d have to say it’d be fun to go against Madison Bumgarner (San Francisco Giants starting pitcher) or Aroldis Chapman (Cincinnati Reds Closer).

Q: If you were a GM in MLB who would you want to start your team with Yasiel Puig, Mike Trout, or Mike Stanton?

A: I would want to build my team around Mike Trout.

Q: Who is your favorite actor/actress?

A: I’m a big Mark Wahlberberg fan.

Q: What is your favorite movie or TV show?

A: Shooter.

Q: What’s your favorite food?

A: Steak and potatoes.

Q: When you’re not playing baseball what do you like to do?

A: I like to listen to country, hang out with my friends and family, anything outside like fishing.

Q: Do you have a routine that you do before every at-bat?

A: I do yes, I walk over to plate and dig out the backline where my foot is and I tap the middle of both sides of the plate to make sure that I’m in the right spot.

Q: What’s your pregame ritual?

A: I just like to get to the field really early and get a lot of swings in before we start batting practice so I can get myself going and feeling good before the game starts.

Q: What was your favorite moment or game last season?

A: Favorite moment had to be at the University Pizza when we were watching the selection show and made the regional last year and playing at the regional’s it’s one of those things you’ll never forget.

Q: During your ten game hitting streak last season, was that one of best hitting zones that you’ve ever been in?

A: I wouldn’t say the best but it’s just one of those you go up to the plate and you don’t have to think about anything you just have all the confidence that you’re going to hit the ball.

Q: Which game are most looking forward to this season?

A: It’s always fun playing UVA, especially at Harbor Park after we beat them last year. Our first weekend against Coastal Carolina and Maryland and the big one is the weekend home series against Rice, I’m really looking forward to that one.

Q: Who is your funniest teammate?

A: I’d have to say it's Dylan Hill.

Q: What does your scholarship mean to you?

A: It means everything. It means I have the opportunity to keep chasing my dreams at this high of a level. Having somebody believe in me and give me the money to come here and get a quality education and play baseball, it’s just something that I will forever be grateful for.

Q: How often do people make fun of your last name?

A: Not as often as you’d think, but when it is its bad. I mean this year during summer ball we were down in Fayetteville and every time I came into the box they told to get my head out of the sand when I was trying to hit.