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Learn About Your Monarchs: Q&A With Marques Little


Every Friday, will do a Q&A with a member of the ODU Football team.  Today's Q&A is with freshman wide receiver, Marques Little.

Q: When did you first get your start in football?

A: I was six years old. Played midget league that was my first time ever and I didn’t really know what I was doing, until I started playing more.

Q: Have you always played wide receiver or did you play other positions too?

A: I’ve played some at the running back slot, so I knew how to play receiver. I knew how to catch the ball.

Q: What has been the biggest difference between playing high school and college football?

A: I would say the tempo and the game speed definitely. That has picked up a lot.

Q: What made you choose Old Dominion?

A: The location and academics. Also the family atmosphere around here that Coach Wilder brings. You can’t get anything better than that.

Q: A lot of people have talked about that family environment. Can you describe what Coach Wilder does to make it so conducive to the players wanting to come here?

A: I would say the trust that we have in each other honestly. Just trusting that we can leave our things lying around and they won’t get taken and we always have each other’s backs. Also if one person ever needs help with anything, everybody has their back.

Q: Have you decided on a major?

A: Marketing.

Q: What do you look forward to on game days here at Old Dominion?

A: The ‘Monarch Walk’ and running through the tunnel. That’s the most exciting part because you get pumped for the game from the energy that the campus and the fans bring.

Q: Who would you say has been your biggest role model in your football career or personal life?

A: My dad because I can go to him for anything. He always would tell me what I could do better and what I should work on.

Q: Do your parents come to many of the games, being from New Jersey?

A: Oh yeah. They have been to every game but the Rice game.

Q: What did you like the most when you came on you recruiting trip to ODU?

A: Just all the different choices of food you can get in the cafeteria and we could eat any type of food that we wanted.

Q: What was it like when you got your first collegiate catch?

A: Amazing. It was just a great feeling to get it out of the way and get the pressure of that first catch off my mind and allowed me to focus more, which eventually led to my first touchdown.

Q: If you were on a deserted island and could only have one thing with you, what would that be and why?

A: I would say my cell phone, because I can’t keep it out of my hands.

Q: What is your favorite video game to play?

A: NBA 2K15.

Q: Who is your favorite musician and what is your favorite song/album by that artist?

A: J. Cole and the album ‘Born Sinner’ is my favorite work of his.

Q: Do you have a favorite TV show that you can’t miss?

A: It used to be ‘Prison Break’, but I am all caught up on the series now, so no not anymore really.

Q: What is your favorite dish that your mom makes for dinner and why?

A: Sweet potato pie with ham and turkey and that’s it.

Q: If you had to choose a superpower what would it be and why?

A: I would like to be like Superman, just because he has every power.