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Learn About Your Monarchs: Q&A With Jonathan Duhart


Every Friday, will do a Q&A with a member of the ODU Football team.  Today's Q&A is with freshman wide receiver, Jonathan Duhart.

Q: Why did you choose Old Dominion?

A: I like Coach Wilder. He runs a good scheme here and I think I can make difference for this team. It’s not too far from my house, about an hour and a half from here, and it is a lot closer than the other schools I looked at. And I like the feeling here.

Q: Now that you have gotten a few games under your belt, what has been the most exciting play that you’ve been a part of this season?

A: Probably the NC State game. We were in third down and needed to score and I caught that pass, 23 yards, from Taylor Heinicke to make the first down.

Q: What was it like to get that first collegiate catch?

A: I was numb. I didn’t even feel anything and I didn’t know what was going on.

Q: Who might we find on your pregame music playlist?

A: You will find a little bit of Drake and Lil’ Wayne and a lot of other stuff scattered in there.

Q: What is your pregame ritual?

A: I come out here and run my routes with one of the quarterbacks. Then I go inside, put on my head phones to get into the zone mentally. Then I will say a quick prayer before running out of the tunnel.

Q: Have you decided on a major?

A: I’ve decided on majoring in criminal justice. Hopefully, I can get in as a federal agent. I am working now on trying to get an internship with NCIS at some point down the road.

Q: Has anyone in your family played sports, if so what did they play and at what level of competition did they reach?

A: My dad played college football and started off at Notre Dame. He transferred up to Morehouse College. I have two brothers, both of whom played basketball.

Q: What is the most difficult transition coming from high school to college football?

A: Everything moves a lot faster, and if you don’t move fast with it you can get caught up in the rush or get blindsided.

Q: Who was your role model growing up and how did they help you to the place you are now?

A: My role model is my dad. He has always been teaching me to work hard and be the ‘first one on the field and the last one off’.

Q: If you had to pick a current NFL player that has a similar playing style as you, who would that be and why?

A: Anquan Boldin. Because he is a tough physical guy and he is a receiver to cover.

Q: Who are your favorite NFL, NBA and MLB teams?

A: San Diego Chargers, the Houston Rockets and the New York Yankees. I just remember liking San Diego when I was younger and it sort of stuck with me. I like the Rockets because my favorite player used to be Tracy McGrady, so they were my favorite team and I just never left them, and the Yankees, just because I like the Yankees.

Q: What other sport would you play besides football?

A: Basketball. That’s my other true calling. I played in high school and I thought I was pretty good.

Q: Which of the Avengers is your favorite super hero and why?

A: Captain America. He is not a low-key guy but he is not too cocky and not too out there.

Q: Have you ever traveled outside of the United States?

A: I have not but my mom said that at some point she’d like to go to the Bahamas for a family cruise.

Q: Who is your favorite actor/actress and what movie of theirs is your favorite?

A: I like Jason Statham. I like a lot of his actions movies and the one of his that I like the most is the Expendables, with Sylvester Stallone and all those actors. It was a pretty cool movie.

Q: If you could do one thing without fear of failure, what would that be and why?

A: Sky diving. I am scared of heights. A lot people think that because I am tall I wouldn’t be, but I am really scared of heights.

Q: What is you favorite thing to do in your downtime when you are not in class or practicing?

A: I like to play video games. Some of my teammates and I play a lot of NCAA Football, Madden Football and NBA 2K.

Q: Do you have any talents that we do not know about, i.e. playing an instrument, art, etc?

A: I used to play trombone in middle school. I was thinking about playing in high school but I sort of just stopped playing. I used to play piano too.

Q: What does your scholarship mean to you?

A: It means a lot. It means someone has faith in me to do my job, and to give me a free education while doing it. It also helps my family and me in the future financially.