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Learn About Your Monarchs: Q&A With Daniel Appouh


Throughout fall camp will do Q&A's with members of the Monarchs.  Today's chat is true freshman, Daniel Appouh.

Q: What are you most looking forward to when you run through the tunnel on game day?

A: I am looking forwardto seeing the stadium the first time; especially to see the fans and how packed the stands are, because the crowds here always pack the stadium.

Q: How have you adjusted to life here at Old Dominion?

A: I’ve adjusted pretty well. We’ve got a good coaching staff  and I’ve made a lot of close friends who have helped me through this. My roommates have made this much easier than it would have been without them.

Q: Why did you choose Old Dominion?

A: Honestly, I’m a big family person and Old Dominion is a good school, also all the other offers I received were from far distances. I wanted to stay close to family and Old Dominion has a great program. The coaches recruited me pretty hard and showed they wanted me a lot, which actually made my choice better.

Q: The Old Dominion Athletic Foundation (ODAF) turns 50 this year? What does your scholarship mean to you?

A: My scholarship means free education mostly, which is the most important thing. It’s less stress to my parents, my mom especially. So I’m making them proud and I just want to say thank you very much.

Q: If you could pick a super power, what would it be and why?

A: Super strength, you know being on the defensive line that would definitely help a lot more every day.

Q: Did you have a favorite super hero growing up? If so who was it?

A: My favorite super hero growing up was the Incredible Hulk. I don’t know why, but he was just a savage and I like looking up to him. Always strong, always big, so he’s fun to watch.

Q: Growing up, did you have interest in sports other than football?

A: Growing up I did not have an interest in sports at all until high school, and my sophomore year was when I first started playing football. The good coaching staff at my high school helped me get to where I am today.

Q: Your brother (Penn State) and cousin (Nebraska) both played for some big name college football programs. Did they share any words of advice with you, entering your own college football career?

A: They told me to always outwit my opponent was the first thing. Always stay focused and always keep in mind what I want to do and what goal I am trying to reach.

Q: If you were on a deserted island and had only one thing with you, what would that item be and why?

A: Water. No real explanation needed for that one.

Q: What music might we find if we scrolled through your pre-game playlist?

A: All types, but mostly a lot of gospel. Gospel music helps me keep my mind straight and keep me focused for everything. There’s not a lot of rap or anything like that but definitely gospel to help me stay focused.

Q: What is the biggest highlight from your high school playing days?

A: Probably my last game. I had four sacks, 11tackles; of those five were tackles for a loss. It was a good game.

Q: When you go to an amusement park, are you heading straight for the roller coasters or the log flumes?

A: Roller coasters. I love the adrenaline rush.

Q: Have you ever been outside of the country? If so, where?

A: I was born in Ghana actually. But since I came to the States I haven’t been outside the country.

Q: There is a strong military presence at Old Dominion, in Norfolk and in Hampton Roads. If you could say something to the soldiers out there what would you like to say?

A: Thank you for all your dedication and everything you are doing for us. Without you, none of us would be here. I thank you for sacrificing your life at all times for us and I really appreciate your dedication and determination.