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Learn About Your Monarchs: Q&A With Reece Schmidt


Throughout fall camp will do Q&A's with members of the Monarchs.  Today's chat is with junior linebacker, Reece Schmidt.

Q: What made you choose Old Dominion?

A. I didn’t have too many other offers coming out of LA Pierce College and when I came out here on the visit, the coaches were real enthusiastic and pursued me and when you feel wanted that makes you love the place. Then when I came out to campus with the guys that handled my visit on the team, I knew there was a lot of competition and there was an opportunity for me to earn a starting spot, so that’s all I could ask for.

Q: What is your major?

A: I decided on majoring in communications and I’m also taking some classes towards a business degree.

Q: When you were growing up as a kid, what did you want to be when you were growing up?

A: Growing up I really wanted to be a baseball player. I played baseball growing up. It wasn’t until high school that I decided that I wanted to play football, and watching my favorite player Brett Favre sealed the deal on that.

Q: This is the 50th Anniversary of the Old Dominion Athletic Foundation (ODAF).  What does your scholarship mean to you?

A: Well the scholarship, it means everything, you know it’s tough coming across country from California and not really being on your own but you know you have to figure out your own way, and the scholarship really helps me out as far as making things a lot easier, helping me to focus on school and football. I really appreciate all that they do for us because none of this would happen without them.

Q: What event in your life help you decide to play or pursue a career in college football?

A: Well I’d say it was my sophomore year in high school and honestly it was just watching Brett Favre when he was on the Vikings. He was 40 years old just making all those plays, and I was like man this game is awesome, and that’s when I decided ‘this game is awesome, I’m done with baseball’, and from then on I started playing football.

Q: What was the transition like from an athlete that played baseball, to an athlete being recruited for football, and with only five years of football playing experience?

A: It was difficult at first. A lot of guys had more experience and advantage, so I had to catch up on that, but I’ve always been smart and able to catch on to things quickly. Once I got over the mental part, I had the physical. I was always big enough and fast enough, so it was getting over the experience.

Q: What was one of the biggest culture differences you have experienced here in Hampton Roads coming from California?

A: Honestly, the weather is easily the biggest difference. In California it’s always 75 degrees, sometimes it’d get a little hot you know. You don’t see thunderstorms and you don’t see snow, I guess I got the record snow this year. The humidity is definitely a difference, but over the summer I kind of got used to it a little bit.

Q: How have your teammates and coaches helped you to adjust to life at Old Dominion?

A: All the guys I’ve been roommates with have really helped me get settled in and find my way. The coaches obviously have been really helpful with getting my classes and stuff set, so it’s been a group effort and I really appreciate that.

Q. Have you been to the beach at all in your time here in Hampton Roads?

A: Yeah a few times and definitely that’s an awesome place to be. It’s a little more my comfort zone coming from the west coast, so it was nice.

Q: The fans here at Old Dominion are a faithful group. What are you most looking forward to on game days here at Old Dominion?

A: I want to see what it’s like to run out of the tunnel with the smoke and all the noise. They showed us a little video of that in the recruiting trip, but honestly you want to see that first hand, so I think that will be really exciting.

Q: What skills do you bring that you think will benefit the Old Dominion Football Team?

A: Well I think, particularly coming from LA Pierce, I have a lot of experience playing against big time Division I guys. At LA Pierce, they get players from Division I schools every year, 40 or 50 of them, because they’re just that good. I'm used to going up against those guys everyday and that brings some experience as far as the conference we are going into.

Q: Can you describe what it’s like to step onto the field in front of a packed stadium?

A: It’s really exciting and almost kind of nerve racking. You know when you get those butterflies out of the way in the beginning, and you hear the noise and the yelling of the crowd, ‘you’re like man this is the real deal’, and it gets you pumped up. Especially this year playing some big teams.

Q: If you could sit down and talk with anyone from history, who would you choose to talk to and why?

A: Again, I’d have to go with Brett Favre. I mean growing up as a Packers fan and seeing particularly the personal struggles he had in not only in football, but in his life and how he overcame them. I’d like to talk to him about that because every day out here is a struggle, you really have to dig deep and fight and you know nobody is better at it than him. I’d love to talk to him about that.

Q: Is there a current or former NFL player that you could compare to your style of football?

A: I’d have to say Paul Posluszny of the Jaguars. Not a well known guy, but a big guy that gets tackles and moves all around the field. Not really the most hyped up guy because of his team, but when I watch him play I see a lot of similar characteristics.

Q: Most players have some sort of playlist that they listen to before a game. What artists might we find on your playlist that help you focus before a game?

A: Well you know I have to start working on my playlist, but I’d say, my brother is really into metal and he lets me know who’s good at the time. Right now I’d say, Of Mice and Men, is definitely one of the big ones and he should have some new stuff for me so that will be good.

Q: If you had to choose one dish that you could eat every day, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, what would you choose?

A: Grilled chicken and brown rice. Very boring I know but so healthy and it’s what I make for myself anyways. It gets all you need and all I do is workout, play football and go to school so you know when I’m eating, I really keep up with that.

Q: Who are your favorite professional sports teams, the NFL, the MLB and the NBA? Are there any others that do not fit into these three?

A: Definitely the Packers for NFL, for the MLB the Red Sox because my brother rooted for the Yankees growing up so I had to be the opposite of that, and I have to go with the Lakers for NBA.

Q: What is one place in the world that you wish you could visit/live? And why did you choose this location?

A: I’d say Hawaii. I’ve been there a couple of times and I’d love to live there. The weather is always perfect and the beaches are always perfect. Maybe it’d get a little old after a while, but its Hawaii. Also, one of my best friends is going to University of Hawaii this fall and I was pretty jealous of that.