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Learn About Your Monarchs: Q&A With Kyle Bottoms


Every Friday, will do a Q&A with a member of the ODU Football team.  Today's Q&A is with senior offensive lineman, Kyle Bottoms.

Q: What are some of the feelings you are having going into your senior season?

A: To make the most of it. Play as much as I can. And when I’m done have no regrets.

Q: What has been your most memorable experience here at ODU?

A: All the times my offensive line buddies and I have hung out and done things together. Things like going to the beaches and water parks on the weekends.

Q: Who was the person who influenced you to play football?

A: I would say my grandfather. Even though I never met him, just the fact that he played in the NFL, I wanted to not carry on and make it to that level because it is rare. But play football because my grandfather played in the NFL.

Q: Who might we find in your pregame playlist?

A: You might find some ‘Machine Gun Kelly,’ a little bit of ‘Bassnecter,’ and maybe a little ‘Rick Ross.’

Q: How do you plan to use your degree in geography after you graduate from ODU?

A: I would like to go back to Texas and somehow use it in the oil business.

Q: What about ODU made you choose to come here over other colleges?

A: I just wanted to get away from home. I was tired of going to school close to home and this was my furthest offer away. It was a program on the rise playing some big time football, so I said why not.

Q: What has your scholarship meant to you?

A: My scholarship has meant a lot. Not just to me, but to my family. An education is what my dad always wanted me to have before anything else. An education is important, so that is why my scholarship is important to me.

Q: Who is the funniest person on the team?

A: Troy Butler always gives me a good laugh.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do when not in classes or at the field practicing?

A: Go to the beach or get some rest.

Q: When did you start playing football?

A: I started playing football in the fifth grade. I’ve been playing ever since, Peewee football all the way to now. In high school I played quarterback and defensive end, but after I gained weight I got moved to the offensive line.

Q: Have you every traveled outside of the United States?

A: I have. I’ve traveled to Mexico, Cancun, Cozumel, Caymen Islands, Jamaica. My favorite of them was Jamaica.

Q: Where would you go on an all expenses paid trip and why?

A: I would probably go to Bora Bora, because it is beautiful out there. All the pictures you see are stunning, so why not.

Q: What is the most challenging thing about playing the position of offensive tackle?

A: You have to deal with some of the best athletes that are not only quick, but big and physical in size on the edge.

Q: Who are your favorite NFL, MLB and NBA teams and why?

A: MLB would be the Chicago Cubs because my dad is from Chicago. My NFL teams are the Cowboys and Raiders split, because my grandfather played for the Raiders and I love the Cowboys because I’m from Texas. And NBA I would probably say the Houston Rockets, the hometown team.

Q: What lessons/experience are you bringing into this football season that you have learned from previous seasons here at ODU and Blinn College?

A: Experience wise, knowing how to read defenses and more of a mental aspect overall.

Q: If you could have a super power what would you choose?

A: I would love to be able to fly.

Q: What are you most looking forward to on game day?

A: Running through the tunnel and seeing a winning score at the end of the game on the scoreboard.

Q: Which team/teams are you most looking forward to playing?

A: I am going to start out with Vanderbilt and NC State because those are the teams you want to prove yourself to as they are the best of the best, and then Rice because I want to beat my hometown team.

Q: What would you like to say to the fans that have supported you and the team these last several years?

A: Thank you for everything that you do and you are the best fans in the world.