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Learn About Your Monarchs: Q&A With Tyler Burns


Q&A with Tyler Burns - ODUSports

Q: Have you decided on a major?
A: Yes, I decided on geography major.

Q: What goals do have for yourself after you graduate from Old Dominion?
A: To try to find a job in my degree of geography. Not too sure yet what I want to go into, but with geography there are many opportunities that you can go into. You can go into the physical part of it of studying the land or you can go environmental with green gases and even the waters' ecology. There is also cultural where you can observe how people act differently around the world.

Q: What does your scholarship mean to you?
A: It means everything, without it I probably would not have been able to go to college. So I wouldn't have the chance to get my degree. It means everything, especially when you come across the country.

Q: What was it about Old Dominion that made you choose to come here?
A: Definitely the offensive line. When I came and visited they were so family oriented, we just all got along together and I could tell that I would fit in here with the offensive linemen.

Q: What were some of the cultural shocks you experienced coming from California to live in Virginia?
A: Definitely the weather. It is really humid here. In California it's, especially where I live, it is sunny all around, but it is dry heat.

Q: Which teams on the schedule are you most excited to play?
A: NC State and I am really excited to play Eastern Michigan. My center from my junior college actually plays at Eastern Michigan, so it will be nice to be able to watch him play and see how he does since when we are going up against him.

Q: How long have you been playing football and who introduced you to the sport?
A: I've been playing football since my freshman year in high school. I tried out for Pop Warner, but I was too big to play.

Q: If you could sit down and talk with anyone from history, past, present or future, who would you choose to talk to?
A: I would choose to talk to my great grandmother. She was a wonderful lady, but I never got to meet her.

Q: Did you have a favorite super hero growing up?
A: I would have to say the Incredible Hulk. Just watching the cartoons and movies he has been in, he was so giant and strong, but then he had a weak and sensitive side.

Q: If you were on a deserted island and had only one thing with you, what would that item be and why?
A: I would bring a family picture. Just to be able to see my family.

Q: Do you have a favorite television show that you really like to watch every week?
A: I don't watch much television, but I do enjoy watching ‘Family Guy' and ‘American Dad.'

Q: Did anyone in your family play sports? Who and what did they play?
A: My family is a big baseball family. We had a couple members go to training camps for the Angels and Dodgers, but they pursued a different career. Not too many of them played football.

Q: Do you have a favorite sports movie that you watch frequently?
A: My favorite sports movie would have to be ‘Remember the Titans.' I don't watch it frequently, but I have watched it enough times to know the movie pretty well.

Q: What is your favorite video game to play with your teammates?
A: Well I really like to play ‘Call of Duty,' but recently, especially during camp, we've been playing a lot of ‘FIFA '14 Soccer' and we have been getting pretty competitive at that.

Q: Have you been outside of the country on vacations? If so where did you go?
A: I went on a mission trip once to Tijuana, Mexico. I also have been on a cruise where we went to Cozumel, Mexico, and that was very enjoyable.