All Sports Schedule

Football Camp Practice - Day 16


NORFOLK, Va. – Old Dominion University football held its 16th practice of fall camp on Monday morning.  The full padded practice lasted two hours as the Monarchs worked on team drills, inside run, wide receiver and defensive back one-on-one drills in coverage and blocking.

During team drills the offense produced several long completions. Taylor Heinicke connected with three different receivers for 15 yards, including Gerard Johnson, David Washington, and a TD pass to Vincent Lowe. Johnson also added a 20 yard run during team drills.

Defensive end Gary Scruggs was able to get a sack for the defense while Jude Brenya and Chris Smith added a tackle for loss.

The Monarchs are back out for a closed practice later today at the L.R. Hill Complex.

Comments from Coach Wilder:

On today’s practice:
“Hard to believe we are into week three already, it feels like we just got here. A good practice today coming off of the scrimmage Saturday night which we had 101 plays. It was very physical. They got some rest on Sunday and went hard for two hours, got in some really good work in today. Got about 60 reps in team, 20 of it at the end which was live tackle football, where we purposefully wanted to do that to simulate the end of the game the fourth quarter, were they are a little bit tired and that was a good period. Great execution on both sides and we got some great work in on special teams with our punt unit going up against the punt block unit. We basically had our starters on both teams so we got some real high intensity reps. We got 15 reps there in the punt verse punt block, so overall it was a good day for us.”

On getting ready for Hampton:
“This will be different this week,  by Wednesday the coaches will start to focus more on Hampton and schematically work on what were going to do for the game plan in that game. So we will start to pull off of preseason mode where it is just Old Dominion versus Old Dominion. We’ve got a pretty good idea already of who the 70 are that will be on the travel squad. So now we can turn our attention to Hampton and starting to prep ourselves for game week.”